Arthurs Breaks Arm

Just  three days after Bruce Arthurs finished his first sf short story since 2006 he fell and broke his arm. That’s going to slow his typing for awhile. Horrible timing. Bruce reports —

For whatever newsworthiness a mostly-inactive old fan has, I broke my arm Monday morning at my security guard job. Much as I’d like to report it got broken while I was defending the place from invading hordes of ninjas and zombies, in actuality I took a bad fall on a concrete sidewalk. The sidewalk won.

Broken on Monday, surgery on Tuesday, home Thursday night. Sling and PT for some weeks to come.

Also took a good hit to the face, barely noticeable compared to the pain from the arm, but producing a spectacular shiner. Will be posting photos to my blog….

When that happens, you’ll find the photos at Undulant Fever.

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