Worldcon 75 Pass Along Funds

The Helsinki committee announced at Smofcon they will be distributing surplus funds from Worldcon 75. Also, members will soon get an email telling how those who weren’t at the con can receive an electronic and/or paper copy of the souvenir book by post.

Initial pass along funds:

  • €12,000 to Worldcon 76;
  • €12,000 to Dublin in 2019;
  • €12,000 to Worldcon 2020


  • €1,200 to the WSFS Mark Protection Committee
  • €1,000 to Worldcon Heritage
  • €25,000 to Finnish fan groups

Worldcon 75 also announced that it would be doing staff reimbursements of €95 per staffer.

Vice-chair Colette H. Fozard confirmed the above amounts and added:

An e-mail will be going out within the next week to all members that will have the following information:

(a) notice of the publication of PR6 – a wrap up report;

(b) reopening of Worldcon 75’s online merchandise shop for a short time; and

(c) information on how to receive electronic and/or paper copy of the souvenir book by post.

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25 thoughts on “Worldcon 75 Pass Along Funds

  1. I’ve yet to hear anything from Helsinki regarding the worldcon souvenir book. Perhaps some of that money should go to making those available to supporting members.

  2. @Bob

    An e-mail will be going out within the next week to all members…

    It hasn’t been a week yet!

  3. @Bob, they did say at Smofcon that funds had been retained for mailing and possible reprinting costs, presumably depending on how many people want physical vs electronic souvenir books.

  4. We had a pair of supporting memberships, and the only thing we heard about getting copies of the paper W75 souvenir book was that non attending members would NOT have the option of a paper copy. So, they got our money, and we got less than supporting memberships have traditionally provided to the supporting fans. This after LonCon tried a silly policy where two fans sharing one address were only sent one paper copy of the book. This is now two non NorthAm Worldcons who decided to keep the same membership money, while lowering what the fans unable to attend get in exchange. This rather makes me far less likely to consider giving ANY non NorthAm bids a dime in future, unless they specifically state that they will not cheap out on the backs of supporting members.

  5. Laura: Did anyone actually get that email that was suppose to go out “within the next week”?

    It’s now been 5 months since Worldcon 75. If we’re lucky, we’ll get something before Worldcon 76.

    I’m pretty sure at this point, despite all of the assurances they made on Twitter that it existed, that there’s no video of the Hugo ceremony. It would be nice if they were honest enough to tell the members this. 😐

  6. Hello all, and Happy New Year. I’m very sorry for the delay on the e-mail – everything was cued up for it to happen, I’ve been pushing to get it done, but don’t have the technical knowledge to do it and if anyone has a solution for getting volunteers to do all promised tasks on time during a busy part of the year, we’d all be a lot richer! I just got through a very large professional event I work on so am redoubling efforts to get this done.

    As for you, JJ, There Really is A Hugo Video! See above statement regarding the challenges of getting volunteers to put unpaid work in front of keeping their lives going. I have been working on that too.

  7. Colette H. Fozard: There Really is A Hugo Video! See above statement regarding the challenges of getting volunteers to put unpaid work in front of keeping their lives going. I have been working on that too.

    Have you considered asking wider fandom for assistance? I know that there are a significant number of fans with the skills to do the job, and some of them might be willing to help out.

  8. It would really be great to have that video up. It was a great ceremony! Thanks for the update, Colette.

  9. JJ – I have absolutely been trying that, the issue at hand is obtaining the footage. There really have been a lot of efforts going on about this, and I’m terribly sorry that our efforts are not up to snuff for you.

  10. Colette, I look forward to being able to watch Ursula Vernon’s “Whalefall” acceptance speech. Do please drop a link here when you manage to sort out the issues.

  11. Colette H. Fozard: JJ – I have absolutely been trying that, the issue at hand is obtaining the footage. There really have been a lot of efforts going on about this, and I’m terribly sorry that our efforts are not up to snuff for you.

    I am genuinely trying to be helpful, there is no need to be snippy with me. I was involved for quite a few years with a volunteer organization, in various management positions, and I am well aware of how post-event letdown and burnout can result in tasks going unfinished, sometimes necessitating seeking out additional resources to get things done.

  12. After Colette read “I’m pretty sure at this point, despite all of the assurances they made on Twitter that it existed, that there’s no video of the Hugo ceremony. It would be nice if they were honest enough to tell the members this” she probably thought manners had gone out the window.

  13. Mike Glyer: After Colette read “I’m pretty sure at this point, despite all of the assurances they made on Twitter that it existed, that there’s no video of the Hugo ceremony. It would be nice if they were honest enough to tell the members this” she probably thought manners had gone out the window.

    Considering Worldcon 75’s history of being less-than-forthcoming with members as well as slow to communicate on numerous issues, it was a fair statement.

  14. It is with great pleasure (and relief!) that I update you all that the e-mail regarding obtaining a paper souvenir book has gone out (it also announces our PR6 post-convention report and the re-opening of our merchandise shop). If you have not received this e-mail, please check your spam filters, etc. Any questions (or if you still haven’t received the e-mail), please e-mail [email protected].

    I can also announce that I have been informed that the Hugo Ceremony Video has been uploaded into Worldcon 75’s YouTube channel with a scheduled “go live” date of 16 February at 18.00 EEST (Finnish time). A link to the channel is below:

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

  15. At last! We’ll be able to actually see Ursula talking about Whalefall!

    (Thanks for your hard work, Collette.)

  16. I know right! I’m turning now to setting up some timed social media posts, etc. for it and while I know I totally shouldn’t pick favorites in who I tag…I dunno that I can publish it without tagging her right off the bat…:p

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