SFWA Creates Estates Page

The SFWA Estates Page has been added to the professional organization’s website. It’s the place for editors and publishers who want to reprint material by a deceased writer and need help seeking permissions.

Bud Webster, SFWA Estates Liaison, credits the new page to the “significantly hard work” of Michael Capobianco.

 [Thanks to Andrew Porter for the story.]

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5 thoughts on “SFWA Creates Estates Page

  1. Who’s the Richard Adams on the list? Richard Adams the author of “Watership Down” is, so far as I know, still alive.

  2. Since the SFWA Estate page links Richard Adams with Harold Ober Associates, agents of the “Watership Down” author, that’s evidently who it is.

  3. Well, then, if you can use your journalistic skills to come up with any other sort of indication that he has died, I hope you’ll do so, because it’s totally beyond my Google-fu. I think he’s still alive, and, if so, what is his name doing on an estates page?

  4. That was the first place I looked, Michael W. But it would be a mistake to take anything in Wikipedia as any more reliable than “this is probably so” at the best of times. So I looked further, and I still claim no certainty.

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