Suzette Haden Elgin Medical Status

A full update about Suzette Haden Elgin’s medical situation by her husband, George has been posted. In part it says:

Suzette has developed a Fronto -Temperol Dementia. A condition that develops more rapidly than Alzheimer’s disease, and does not respond to any form of treatment or medication. Somedays, for hours at a time, her behavior is almost normal. Most of the time she has no problem with filling up her day. She reads all kinds of books, and sometimes reads them over and over again. We are fortunate in living near a used book store, that has a vast assortment of titles that I can buy for 26 cents apiece. I’ve been buying 30 to 40 every 2 or 3 weeks. She reads them all! Then I pass them on to anyone who wants them.

When we first moved here, 15 months ago, I bought her a new Macintosh iMac computer. She started off using it daily, and said she was writing a new science fiction story. After a few months she stopped working on the story, and then stopped using the computer altogether. Now She won’t use it even to read or answer her email.

[Thanks to Andrew Porter for the story.]

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