DisCon III Announces Deneroff Is New WSFS Division Head

DisCon III, the 2021 Worldcon has announced who will take over responsibility for the division whose responsibilities include the Hugos and Site Selection:  

We’re happy to announce Linda Deneroff has accepted the WSFS Division Head position. She will be responsible for administrating the Hugo Awards, the WSFS Business Meeting, and the 2023 Worldcon Site Selection.

Deneroff fills the vacancy created by the much-discussed resignation of Nicholas Whyte. Her extensive fannish experience includes being Secretary of several Worldcon Business Meetings, and reaches back to helping organize the very first Star Trek convention, held in NYC in 1972. 

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11 thoughts on “DisCon III Announces Deneroff Is New WSFS Division Head

  1. This is a good choice. There will be no drama and things will get done.

  2. For those who might not know it, Linda was also WSFS DH for Sasquan in 2015. She was going to chair this year’s WSFS Business Meeting, but will fill that position soon, as I understand it. There are more pressing issues for the WSFS division right now.

  3. Best wishes to Linda Deneroff. If anyone can pull the team together, it’s Linda.

  4. Many thanks to Linda Deneroff for being willing to step up to this task!

    @Kevin Standlee: Great to hear she’s done this actual job before, too – and relatively recently! 🙂 Thanks for the info.

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