5 thoughts on “New Martian promo

  1. I wonder if it would permissible to nominate some of the trailers for The Martian as “best dramatic presentation, very short form” …

  2. I’d love to know who’s running the campaign for this movie. While reading the book I was constantly squeeing in childish delight, but now waiting for the movie release, I find myself doing the same damned thing.
    Each new bit of video seems to hit the absolutely pitch perfect note, and has me eagerly waiting for the next one. Wow. Can I hire you for my next big Hollywood extravaganza?

  3. Halfway through the book. Love it!

    And yes, the various trailers have been excellent. Whoever is doing them has an excellent hand for it.

  4. Well, at least they’ve acknowledged that human travel to Mars must have a centrifugal element if the crew isn’t going to be reduced to a bloated bag of jelly by the time they get back.

  5. “back in 2029”

    For a man pushing 80 in the clip, Tyson is looking pretty spry

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