Status Report: It’s Alive!

The blog has been migrated to the new host ISP, and I have pointed the DNS at it. That seems to have taken, the evidence being that all comments left after about 10 am local time at the old site disappeared.

So I will resume posting content and we’ll see how things shake out.

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24 thoughts on “Status Report: It’s Alive!

  1. Godstalk confirmed. Comment e-mails are flowing from a previous post (woo-hoo!), so I bet they’ll from this one, too. Yay!

  2. Yay! Was still seeing the old site when I went to bed last night. On the plus side, without File770 and the Filers to distract me I tore through a huge chunk of Six Wakes.

  3. Huh. From the fact that I’m seeing this and other new posts, I assume I’ve reached the new site, but I can still see posts from the 4/25 Pixel Scroll which were supposed to have vanished with the old site. (A bunch of posts commenting about how all these posts would be lost.) I’m guess Mike moved a bunch of those over by hand or something? Because my only other explanation is that I’ve somehow gained some sort of DNS-related time-travel powers! 🙂

    If those posts are going to remain on the new site, then I won’t have to preserve copies in my email archive…

  4. @Kip W.

    The key question is do the folks at this new site all have button eyes? If so, there’s a documentary by Gaiman you’ll want to check out 😛

  5. Stoic Cynic, I haven’t seen any of them face to face yet, but the cat says I have nothing to worry about.

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