Two Hugo Nominees Withdraw Their Stories

Hugo Award finalists Marko Kloos and Annie Bellet announced today they are withdrawing their stories from consideration.

At this writing, the Sasquan Hugo administrator has yet to announce that the withdrawals have been accepted (although there is no reason to assume they will not), or whether the vacancies will be filled by the next highest-voted works.

Kloos is the author of the novel Lines of Departure, and Bellet of the short story “Goodnight Stars.”

Marko Kloos posted this statement on his blog:

I have officially withdrawn my acceptance of the Best Novel nomination for “Lines of Departure” at this year’s Hugo Awards.

It has come to my attention that “Lines of Departure” was one of the nomination suggestions in Vox Day’s “Rabid Puppies” campaign. Therefore—and regardless of who else has recommended the novel for award consideration—the presence of “Lines of Departure” on the shortlist is almost certainly due to my inclusion on the “Rabid Puppies” slate. For that reason, I had no choice but to withdraw my acceptance of the nomination. I cannot in good conscience accept an award nomination that I feel I may not have earned solely with the quality of the nominated work.

I also wish to disassociate myself from the originator of the “Rabid Puppies” campaign. To put it bluntly: if this nomination gives even the appearance that Vox Day or anyone else had a hand in giving it to me because of my perceived political leanings, I don’t want it. I want to be nominated for awards because of the work, not because of the “right” or “wrong” politics.

Thank you to everyone who voted for “Lines of Departure” because you read the novel and genuinely thought it worthy of award recognition. Please be assured that I did not reach this decision lightly, and that I don’t want to nullify or minimize your opinion. But keeping the nomination is not a moral option at this point, and I hope you will understand.

This is my choice alone, and I am making it without pressure from any side in the current Hugo debate. Please respect it as such.

Annie Bellet gave this explanation on her blog:

I have withdrawn my story “Goodnight Stars” from consideration in this year’s Hugo Awards.

I want to make it clear I am not doing this lightly. I am not doing it because I am ashamed. I am not doing it because I was pressured by anyone either way or on any “side,” though many friends have made cogent arguments for both keeping my nomination and sticking it out, as well as for retracting it and letting things proceed without me in the middle.

I am withdrawing because this has become about something very different than great science fiction.  I find my story, and by extension myself, stuck in a game of political dodge ball, where I’m both a conscripted player and also a ball. (Wrap your head around that analogy, if you can, ha!) All joy that might have come from this nomination has been co-opted, ruined, or sapped away. This is not about celebrating good writing anymore, and I don’t want to be a part of what it has become.

I am not a ball. I do not want to be a player. This is not what my writing is about. This is not why I write. I believe in a compassionate, diverse, and inclusive world. I try to write my own take on human experiences and relationships, and present my fiction as entertainingly and honestly as I can.

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118 thoughts on “Two Hugo Nominees Withdraw Their Stories

  1. @Robert Reynolds

    In reviewing Vox’s blog, it seems he is gaming this year’s Hugo’s because he believes he was unfairly accused of gaming them last year. Given the massive success of his slate, I think he has proved that particular point.

    Considering how successful he was this year, the big question we should all be asking is, “How successful is his slate going to be in the future?”

  2. Group 1: “We like Marko and Annie!”
    Group 2: “In that case, Marko and Annie are dead to us.”
    Marko and Annie: “Please don’t kill our careers! We official denounce Group 1!”
    Group 2: “We like Marko and Annie! But don’t you ever let the wrong group of people like you again! Oh, and you’re both full of integrity because now you hate the right people.”

  3. It would be convenient if James May could restate his comments in standard English.

  4. James May, you’re not making any bloody sense at all. Perhaps you weren’t aware of that? Meaning no offense, though. You still don’t sound as irrational as “Vox Day”, for instance…

    Andrew, good reply. Believe me, I understand the lure of snark, but in Fandom I’ve always found that straight shootin’ gets the job done better. I agree with you about the nature of the sad pups. It is indeed a conspiracy and they know what they’re about. If they had decided to turn that energy to trying to build up our SF world instead of tearing it down, I think they could have been heros. But there’s nothing heroic about the mess they’ve made. I think they’ve broken the Hugos, maybe beyond repair. How truly sad to have worked so hard just to be remembered as a bunch of jerks.

  5. In other words, Mr. Reynolds it depends and with a “but” and “punching up” kicker. “What is the basis of all law” is a trick question far too sophisticated for the identity-worship of an SJW. That’s no surprise. Intersectional ideology has shown time again it has no use for law. It all “depends.” An intersectional police officer wouldn’t write a speeding ticket until they saw the sex and race of the driver. In true “Marching Morons” fashion, the speedometer is merely suggestive.

    I then give you last year’s speedy Hugo and Nebula winners, and it’s not like SJWs have made a secret of their hatred of and disbelief in the idea of a meritocracy. That is reflected in actual quotes which reflect those awards outcomes. That is not “trolling” or “this kind of stuff.” Or is “only one award went to a white male,” “Not a single white man won an award tonight” and “It is no coincidence that my book review column features no white male authors” too obvious for you?

    Calling me a “troll” is not debate. In fact it demonstrates one has been taken to the cleaners and has no response. What does “this kind of stuff” mean exactly? Nothing.

    “Straight white men have dominated the speculative literary field for the past few decades; their dominance is now going the way of the dinosaur” – N. K. Jemisin

  6. Mr. Phillip I agree that I often ironically make no sense, since it involves gender feminists fisking their own quotes.

    As for Lois Tilton, here is an example of the subject of English. In a review of the inadvisable racial revenge anthology We See a Different Frontier, Tilton writes:

    “There is a sad irony in the fact that these stories have been written in English, arguably the most dominant imperialist tongue since Latin, which still exercises its influence from the grave of history.”

    In true intersectionalist style, Arabic has been memory-holed. In not one single instance has Arabic ever been spread by an analogy to Woody Woodpecker cartoons.

    Naughty English. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

  7. FULL DISCLOSURE: I am a friend of Marko Kloos. He’s a fellow VP XII grad. I read LINES OF DEPARTURE a year ago and told him I thought it belonged up in the scifi pantheon along with Old Man’s War, The Forever War and Starship Troopers. It’s an incredible book, written with deft handling of both the military aspect, the human aspect and the alien encounter aspect. It deserves the Hugo in my opinion. I’m sad that he decided to pull the nomination because I believe he deserves it. But I’m also proud to call this man friend because he’s got 100,000% more guts and integrity than most people I know and certainly more than the entire sad puppy VD clan that used him as a pawn in their game. I don’t see him as a victim in this, not at all. He’s only proven to me that he’s a man of his word and not the ally of these troglodytes and their futile cause.

  8. What on earth? James May, are you comparing Arabic and Latin, or Arabic and English as imperial languages? Because of it’s the latter, your comment makes absolutely no sense. If it’s the former–your comment still makes no sense.

  9. James May – I presume your last comment is supposed to make some point?

    It’s clear that you intend only to emit jargon and not meaningful statements.

  10. “Total class on the part of Kloos and Bellett, and a truly fannish thing to do!”

    “I think Vox Day is a shitbag of the first order, and I don’t want any association with him, especially not a Hugo nomination made possible by his followers being the deciding factor. That stench don’t wash off.” – Marko Kloos

    Total class!

  11. Troll isn’t the right word. Trolling is about manipulating the emotional state of the reader. May’s work appears to entirely focused on manipulating the emotional state of the writer. It’s about pure self-gratification. Striking a pompous, above-it-all tone and drowning people in bafflegab isn’t about making them angry–it’s about making the writer feel superior. To a troll, the reaction of the audience is everything. To May, the reaction of the audience couldn’t possibly be less interesting–what’s important is to always be talking down. The entire payoff comes when the Post Comment button is struck.

  12. Chang, I think I agree with you. I’d never heard of Marko Kloos before and would not have read him based just of a suspect Hugo nomination. But then I read his statement on his blog today and I’m very impressed with his statement and his apparent integrity – particularly as it arose from a situation not of his making that could have brought him a Hugo rocket. He impressed me with that statement, and I want to read his book now. He earned my audience with his integrity, so I want to see if he can keep it with a good story.

  13. VD: Got a link for that quote? I don’t doubt it for a second–it’s a perfectly reasonable thing for a person in Kloos’ position to say–but I don’t see it on his facebook feed, nor in the statement he posted at his blog, nor in the comments at that post.

    Where’d you get it?

  14. No problem. What’s 1,400 years between friends? I sure there’s some perfectly reasonable explanation why a Yemeni Arabic dialect is spoken on the Atlantic coast of N. Africa and a lake named “Hussein” N. of Hyderabad, India. Coulda been wafted there on the wind or maybe they had a subscription to Arabic SF papyrus magazines.

  15. AV: That VD and others were more successful in their intention to game the Hugos this year in no way, shape or form proves that gaming the Hugos was not their intention last year. All it proves is that they took last year’s results, studied them, refined their tactics and learned from their mistakes this time around..

    I suspect VD is angry that his story finished below “No Award” and he wants to get “even” with those he deems responsible. I suspect that, at this point, he hopes that a great many nominees this year join him in the “humiliation” of being told that giving no award is preferable to recognizing a particular nominee. That’s one reason why I consider the “No Award” campaign to be just as infantile as everything VD has done here..

    My principal problem with voting “No Award” for everything is that good work will be reflexively abused and shunted aside due to a misguided sense of anger, or worse, the same sort of pique displayed by toddlers such as VD. Do people like Mike Resnick, Kevin J. Anderson, Arlan Andrews, Michael F. Flynn, Toni Weisskopf, Kary English and others deserve to be embarrassed and dismissed because a petulant ankle-biter adds them to a “recommendations” top heavy with work the list compiler has a vested interest in, in the expectation that such additions lend credibility to the project? Do films like Interstellar and Guardians of the Galaxy, among others, which probably make the ballot in any case, deserve to be ignored because they serve as padding for a list to improve the list’s batting average?

    The “No Award” campaign most likely makes VD ready to wet himself in rapturous glee.

  16. By the way, have any of the anti-puppies yet noticed that, with the denunciations and withdrawals from the Hugo race, the words of the puppies are being vindicated? This is not a group of nominees selected for their political beliefs and buddy-buddiness with the ELoE.

  17. Hmmm…

    Vox Day presented this statement and presented it as a quote from Marko Kloos:

    ““I think Vox Day is a shitbag of the first order, and I don’t want any association with him, especially not a Hugo nomination made possible by his followers being the deciding factor. That stench don’t wash off.” – Marko Kloos”

    I’d assumned that “Vox” was quoting from Marko’s statement today in which he withdrew his story from the Hugo ballot and disavowed any association with “Vox Day” and his anointed slate of shame (my term there, not Marko’s). But then “Laertes” challenged “Vox” as above:

    “VD: Got a link for that quote? I don’t doubt it for a second–it’s a perfectly reasonable thing for a person in Kloos’ position to say–but I don’t see it on his facebook feed, nor in the statement he posted at his blog, nor in the comments at that post.

    Where’d you get it?”

    And *that* sent me back to Marko’s actual words, which you can all read for yourself at his blog here:

    “Vox’s” quote appears to be completely made up. In other words, it appears to be a complete lie. Is it, “Vox”? It’s easy to believe that you’d lie to us since you’re trying so hard to pull the house of science fiction down around our ears. It’s actually very easy to believe that the man who would do what you’ve done is a liar as well, so if you can demonstrate that you’re *not* lying; that you didn’t invent those words that you’ve attributed to Marko Kloos, then I think we’ll all be very interested in seeing your evidence

  18. James May, you might want to apologize for making meaningless statements, instead. No one has even implied that Arabic hasn’t also been an imperial language. Many languages–European and otherwise–have been. But compared to English? As the passage you pulled out of Lois Tilton’s review indicated, “English is arguably the most dominate imperialist tongue since Latin [italics mine].” It’s a spoken by a significant portion of the population in over 60 nations, mostly (though not entirely) due to the days when the sun never set on the British flag; Arabic doesn’t come close.

  19. “The ‘No Award’ campaign most likely makes VD ready to wet himself in rapturous glee.”

    I think it’s a mistake for anybody who values the Hugos to care about what Vox Day thinks about our actions. He’s going to declare that he’s won no matter what happens, stoke the fires of resentment and do more stuff to call attention to himself.

    I am voting No Award above the slate nominees as the strongest possible protest against bloc voting. It has nothing to do with the nominated works.

  20. “dominant,” not dominate–rats. Sorry for the misquote, Lois. (Why can’t I type when I start inserting tags?)

  21. @SpaceKitten,

    “@TW: Anti-Puppy bullies seem to be pledging to buy their books and praising their courage on Twitter. Scalps seem to be intact.”

    Exactly. Now that they have done the proper Mcarthyite act. Like I said, you people just keep giving by proving us right.


    “They have no legitimacy, no credibility, no character and no class. They are thugs bent on tearing down the SF field rather ”

    Because I showed up at your house and threatened to beat you? Or because I voted on something I liked? You are the coward and bully. You forced other people to renounce people that did them no harm. I especially love the “no legitimacy”. Thanks for taking away my vote.

    Say hi to McCarthy in hell.


    “This was their decision, after being placed in a very difficult spot by Teddy and Brad.”

    HOW?!?! Do you even listen to yourselves talk? WHY was being on a slate and different from say the Locus slate. You guys are slimy at a new level of slimy and don’t even notice it.


    “I’ve voted in the Hugos since 2008. There are no social justice warriors sticking it to people through these awards. The scenario you describe is so fictional it should be eligible for a short story Hugo next year.”

    Funny you just did it.

  22. ““Vox’s” quote appears to be completely made up. In other words, it appears to be a complete lie. Is it, “Vox”? It’s easy to believe that you’d lie to us since you’re trying so hard to pull the house of science fiction down around our ears. It’s actually very easy to believe that the man who would do what you’ve done is a liar as well, so if you can demonstrate that you’re *not* lying; that you didn’t invent those words that you’ve attributed to Marko Kloos, then I think we’ll all be very interested in seeing your evidence”

    I never lie on the Internet. Because I’m not stupid.

    “That VD and others were more successful in their intention to game the Hugos this year in no way, shape or form proves that gaming the Hugos was not their intention last year.”

    Of course it does. Last year it would have been much easier. And, for the Nth time, I didn’t do it. I was no more involved in SP2 than Marko Kloos was involved in SP3.

    “I suspect VD is angry that his story finished below “No Award” and he wants to get “even” with those he deems responsible.”

    Not in the slightest. I’ve been very clear about those I’m targeting and why. It goes back to 2005 and Making Light. I think 6th of 5 is rather funny, as it happens. But all people ever had to do was leave me alone. They didn’t. And now I’m not leaving them alone.

    I can’t stress this enough: I’m not of your community. I really, honestly, and truly don’t care what you think of me. Leave me alone and I’ll be happy to leave you alone. That’s really all I ask.

  23. Editorial note: I have deleted one of Curt Phillips’ comments at his request.

  24. “They are true thugs; reveling in destruction for it’s own sake and blind to the true harm and pain they are causing.”

    Or perhaps we’re doctors, restoring the patient to health by excising the cancer. Have you ever thought of that possibility?

  25. @AG,

    “Surprising how fast some people can go from hurling abuse to saying how wonderful these writers are and I’m going to buy your book. Tomorrow it will be back to the normal on those who remain.”

    Indeed. As has been repeated, this is all based on polity not a vote on quality. They’ve beaten the right people enough. You know I’ve belonged to by ethnicity and religion (and I’m not Jewish) that have been hunted in the manner that these people are hunting down dissenters. I find it horrifying.

  26. Tell me, “GK Chesterton”; does an honest person post such words as you have under a fake name? You say that *I* “forced other people to renounce people that did them no harm.”? You are delusional. I’ve forced no one to do anything. As for “McCarthy in Hell”, it seems to be you who is dabbling with McCarthy’s tactics of the “Big Lie”, not I.

    Look, after you finish high school and learn that it’s more fun to talk with other people on an honest and grown-up level, maybe you’ll be more interesting to talk with. Or, maybe not. That’s up to you. But these puppyish yips and yaps are boring. Sorry if I’ve hurt your feelings, but you have to learn these things as you grow up anyway.

  27. @Chaung,

    Thanks for spitting on me. Hope it makes you feel manly.

    @Mary Frances,

    “What on earth? James May, are you comparing Arabic and Latin, or Arabic and English as imperial languages?”

    No. He’s saying you guys are making decisions and forcing people out because they chose to, even temporarily, associate with the wrong people. He’s saying that you care more about the language or color of the writer than the story. He’s calling you empty bags of air.

    That I have to explain that in a supposedly literate group is horrifying. But then, you just judged people as magically worthy of buying books because they changed associations. Screw you.

    For example see:

    “and would not have read him based just of a suspect Hugo nomination. But then I read his statement on his blog today and I’m very impressed with his statement”

    Because he said the right things to placate you people he’s good. What was that Mike you said before on Larry’s blog about us not reading people? Do tell me again.


    “I suspect VD is angry that his story finished below “No Award” and he wants to get “even” with those he deems responsible. ”

    You know what Robert? Leave VD out of it. You hurt _me_ by taking away _my_ vote. You are scum. I have zero respect for you jack boots. Your so busy picking on VD that you just happily invalidated the votes of hundreds. My disgust towards you knows no bounds.


    You can’t unsay saying people don’t count.

  28. @VD: That’s not actually a link to Kloos’ statement. It’s a link to Correia’s blog whereat he posts the quote…again without a link.

    I don’t think you invented the quote. It’s appearing in comments and on front-page posts on various puppy blogs, but nobody seems to be linking it back to the totally linkable facebook whence it comes, and I can’t find it there.

    I didn’t start out thinking it was a fake quote–I started out thinking that Kloos had posted statements I hadn’t seen, and I wanted to see them. But now it’s starting to look fishy. Has anyone got a link to this quote appearing on any page whose content is under Kloos’ control?

  29. “Your so busy picking on VD that you just happily invalidated the votes of hundreds.”

    I can’t believe a Puppies advocate is making that complaint after bloc voting slates made it impossible for the hundreds of Hugo voters picking works they liked as individuals to see any of those works on the ballot.

  30. Doctor or a homeopath?

    I wish I knew if you believed you own BS or if this is still some silly game that you’re playing?

  31. Mary Frances – yes, that’s why the term “arguably” is in there, to allow for the possibility of some other languages belonging in that class.

    Astonishingly, GK Chesterton has managed to make even less sense than James May. “You guys”??? What “you guys” would that be, and doing what?

  32. Thanks Mike.

    Theodore wrote: “They are true thugs; reveling in destruction for it’s own sake and blind to the true harm and pain they are causing.”

    Or perhaps we’re doctors, restoring the patient to health by excising the cancer. Have you ever thought of that possibility?”

    Come on, Theodore. You might fool your puppy-dogs, but some of us have been in Fandom for a very long time and we’ve seen this before. All you’re going to accomplish is that you’ll hurt a lot of people and cause a lot of trouble. I assume that’s what you’re set on doing now anyway no matter what anyone else says to you, or you’d have backed off before now, so why don’t you at least be honest about all this? Tell me; what do you think the end-game of all this really is? And where do you think you’re going to be when it all ends?

    “Excising the cancer”… I work in Surgery every day, Theodore (Theo? Ted? or what? I’m not calling you “Vox” since I think I know exactly who you’re speaking for and it surely isn’t “the people”), and I know something about excising cancer. Sometimes it works, when the surgeon really knows his business. And sometimes you see some unintended consequences. Do you think you’re a good surgeon, Theodore? Are you ready to deal with the unintended consequences if you’re not? Consider your legion of puppies, Theodore. What happens when some of them start to realize that you’re using them as pawns in your game. Some of them might decide that they don’t like what you’re doing, you know. You can’t count on your blog readers playing along forever. They grow, and they learn.

    And by the way, how many of the fake puppy names are really you?

    Talk to us, Theodore. You wanted our attention; and we’re listening now. Drop the posturing and tell us the truth and we’ll listen. What is it you’ve really been trying to say?

  33. One thing I must say in defense of Mr Chesterton is people should stop bagging him for using a pseudonym. I use Tintinaus because that was the email ID I chose way back when and apart from a couple of places use everywhere on the net. I don’t think GK is an 8chan anon troll or anything so he should be able to label himeslf as he sees fit.

  34. @”GK Chesterton”:

    Given that “Vox Day” has made this about himself by virtue of his “recommendations”, his reference to blowing up the Hugos and his activities since, just how is anyone supposed to “leave VD out of it”? He’s in this up to his hairline and beyond. Clearly, his actions have proven his motives to be impure in all of this. That you apparently believe that I have deprived anyone of their votes or that I for some reason I am “scum” and I “disgust” you is of no moment to me, as you choose to hide your words behind a clearly assumed “name”, thereby lacking the conviction to OWN UP to what you say. You do, indeed, make an excellent “Sputnik” for the RPs and “Vox Day”. “Vox Day” is toxic at this point. That you wish to remove him from these proceedings speaks volumes.

  35. GK, if that’s what James May is saying, then he shouldn’t use a linguistic analogy (I think? maybe it’s supposed to be an example? it still isn’t clear) that he apparently doesn’t understand. He’s undercutting his own argument by doing that. And as far as your explanation is concerned . . . I’m struggling with how stating a simple linguistic fact about the English language–one that his been recognized as ironic since Yeats, at least, and arguably earlier–is accusing people of guilt by association, or of “caring more about . . . the language than the story.”

  36. I’m sorry I started this, Lois. I tend to zero in on people saying silly things about linguistic history. You made a perfectly valid point in the excerpt, and I honestly couldn’t figure out what James May was trying to say to you, or about you. I still can’t.

  37. @GKC: “You know what Robert? Leave VD out of it.”

    You hear a lot of this–of people saying that Beale doesn’t represent the puppies, or similar. Beale is irrelevant.

    It’s demonstrably untrue. A week ago Beale demonstrated it.

    Beale’s slate carried the day. He has demonstrated the power to deliver votes, and thereby nominations. It is a simple fact that he is the authentic voice of the anti-SJW Hugo voters. This is not a matter of opinion. When you say otherwise, you are plainly wrong.

  38. Theodore after me:

    ““Vox’s” quote appears to be completely made up. In other words, it appears to be a complete lie. Is it, “Vox”? It’s easy to believe that you’d lie to us since you’re trying so hard to pull the house of science fiction down around our ears. It’s actually very easy to believe that the man who would do what you’ve done is a liar as well, so if you can demonstrate that you’re *not* lying; that you didn’t invent those words that you’ve attributed to Marko Kloos, then I think we’ll all be very interested in seeing your evidence”

    “I never lie on the Internet. Because I’m not stupid.

    Well damn, you’re right. You didn’t lie. You have my apology for this one. And now I’ve learned a little something.

    “I can’t stress this enough: I’m not of your community. I really, honestly, and truly don’t care what you think of me.”

    Yes, I believe this completely.

    “Leave me alone and I’ll be happy to leave you alone. That’s really all I ask.”

    I think we’d all be very happy to agree with this – except that you haven’t been leaving us alone. You’ve screwed with the Hugos like they’ve never been screwed with before and you’ve been very clear about why you did it. Only, you didn’t just hurt the people you were targeting. There was a lot of collateral damage because there are a *lot* of us in our community who value those awards. Don’t worry, the gaping hole in the system that you’ve shown to the world will be fixed. Maybe not in the way that you were looking for, but things won’t be the same after this. But you just wrote:

    “Leave me alone and I’ll be happy to leave you alone. That’s really all I ask.”

    I for one would be happy to do exactly that. I’ll be very glad to sever any connection with the world of “Vox Day” Are you really prepared to sever all connection with the SF community? Would you consider removing your nominations from the Hugo ballot as others have done today? That’s an action that cannot fail to win approval in the community that you’ve now declared that you’re not a part of. I’ll bet that it would easily seal the deal on your “leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone” offer too.

  39. Mary Frances – no, I think I started it, asking if James May could make clear statements instead of employing eccentric jargon of, apparently, his own devise.

    But the subthread has veered way off-topic, and whatever May is trying to say, I have no compelling interest in pursuing.

  40. @Curt Phillips: Beale didn’t link you to Kloos’ statement. He linked you to Larry Correia’s blog, which presents Kloos’ quote with a claim that it came from facebook, but no link.

    On the evidence that we’ve seen so far, it’s possible that Kloos really said that. It’s possible that someone other than Kloos made up that statement and VD accepted it as genuine without checking the source. And it’s also possible that VD made it up (though I don’t think he did). It’s not exactly clear who’s quoting whom here.

  41. @Curt,

    “does an honest person post such words as you have under a fake name? ”

    Why was taking away my votes not enough? Are you going to hound me in real life too?

  42. @rcade,

    “I can’t believe a Puppies advocate is making that complaint after bloc voting slates made it impossible for the hundreds of Hugo voters picking works they liked as individuals to see any of those works on the ballot”

    And now we’re back to robots after accusing me of not being a robot before. I don’t even think its been a handful of hours.


    “his reference to blowing up the Hugos and his activities since, just how is anyone supposed to “leave VD out of it”? ”

    That’s it. Do you really not get THAT HUNDREDS OF VOTERS AGREED WITH HIM. He didn’t vote a thousand odd times. WE did. Vox may have acted as a, dare I say, community organizer, but he didn’t vote. You keep screaming at him as if he is all the votes to make yourself feel better while jack-booting over those that voted.

  43. “HOW?!?! Do you even listen to yourselves talk? WHY was being on a slate and different from say the Locus slate. You guys are slimy at a new level of slimy and don’t even notice it.”

    There was no Locus slate, first off. Secondly, Kloos made it clear his reasons for resigning his resignation were because of Teddy. Not because of Locus. Or any of your other mumbo jumbo. Kloos was clear last year he was uncomfortable being nominated by Teddy, and Teddy ignored that when he nominated him again this year.

    The only “slimy” types here are Teddy and his supporters, such as yourself.

  44. Laertes: Let’s see who really said what before we pursue that point any further and then let’s document it. It’s no good to cast any further doubt on anyone’s veracity without proof.

    GK: You wrote: “Why was taking away my votes not enough? Are you going to hound me in real life too?” I’m not even going to hound you here, GK. Because I think that you’re not rational. I don’t know why you keep talking about “taking away your vote” as I haven’t taken away *anybody’s* vote, let alone yours. How could I when the only G. K. Chesterton I know has been dead since 1936? But if you’re really the ghost of Gilbert Keith Chesterton, I loved “The Man Who Was Thursday”…

  45. Laertes, it’s perfectly reasonable to interpret the slate voters as mere followers of Beale’s self-promotion, given that his slate consists in large part of his authors, his publications, and his own person. Authenticity hardly seems to point in the shadow of the poses he so regularly assumes.

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