Worldcon Bids Filed for 2016

Both Beijing in 2016 and Kansas City in 2016 filed by the February 15 deadline and will appear on the Worldcon site selection ballot. Loncon 3’s Ben Yalow said their filings will be added to the con’s site selection page.

For a bid to qualify for the ballot it has to provide the following information at least 180 days before the start of the administering Worldcon:

(1) an announcement of intent to bid;

(2) adequate evidence of an agreement with its proposed site’s facilities, such as a conditional contract or a letter of agreement;

(3) the rules under which the Worldcon Committee will operate, including a specification of the term of office of their chief executive officer or officers and the conditions and procedures for the selection and replacement of such officer or officers.

Kansas City’s committee and facilities have been publicized for some time. The Beijing bid was announced in January on a website that gives none of these details and fans have been waiting to see who’s behind the bid and their proposed facilities.

Update 02/19/2014: Filings are posted — link now goes directly to filing page.

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4 thoughts on “Worldcon Bids Filed for 2016

  1. It will be interesting to see just how much money the China bid throws at this thing. And I suspect it will be a *lot*.

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