2015 Utopiales Awards

Prix Utopiales EuorpeenThe Utopiales Festival International de Science-Fiction in Nantes, France drew over 65,000 visitors to last weekend’s convention.

The full list of all awards given at the event, including the video game competition, film festival, and cosplay, is here.

Two major literary awards were presented.

Le Prix Utopiales Européen Jeunesse 2015
(The European Utopiales Youth Award 2015)

  • Humains, Matt Haig (translated by Valérie Le Plouhinec), ed. Hélium, august 2014

The winner was selected by a jury of young readers between 13 and 16 years old, Zoé Berthelot, Louna Boulic, Luna Brasseur, Barbara Chotard, Julien Couvert, Titouan Giraudon, Elena Guibert, Marie Perrault, François Philippe and Aglaé Thebaud.

The European Utopiales Award

  • L’Autre Ville (The Other City), Michal Ajvaz (translated by Benoît Meunier), éd. Mirobole, 2015

The award recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period whose author is a citizen of a country belonging to the European Community. The prize has a cash value of 2000 euros. The winner was selected by a jury composed of Jean-Pierre Dionnet, Pierre-Michel Caillé and Stéphan Henry.

Also presented was the Julia Verlanger Prize, a literary award established in 1986 which honors science fiction and fantasy novels.

Prix Julia Verlanger 

  • Lum’en, Laurent Genefort, éd. Le Bélial, 2015

Mention spéciale du jury

  • L’Adjacent (The Adjacent), Christopher Priest (translated by Jacques Collin), éd. Denoël, 2015

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