2016 ABC DeepSouthCon Canceled

Chairman M. Lee Rogers has announced the ABC Deep South Con scheduled for 2016 will not be held.

After a recent meeting of the ABC Deep South Con committee and a review of the convention’s financial standing, the committee decided that it was no longer feasible to host the convention. Therefore, ABC Deep South Con on May 13-15, 2016 has been canceled.

I apologize to everyone for this unfortunate outcome. The committee members tried their best to make this work. In the end, it did not.

All current convention members will have their memberships refunded.

There may still be a 2016 DeepSouthCon, as other conrunners are now discussing the possibility of hosting it in combination with another event.

(Also, this cancellation announcement has no effect on the 2015 DeepSouthCon/Contraflow V planned for October.)

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6 thoughts on “2016 ABC DeepSouthCon Canceled

  1. Something seems to have gone very wrong here. I blame Dragoncon. It sucks all the fannish air out of the Atlanta area.

  2. A convention headlined by John C. Wright and his wife L. Jagi Lamplighter is cancelled for lack of funds?

    Someone tell Peter Grant the Tor boycott is working!

  3. I wouldn’t blame DragonCon. There are about a half dozen very healthy fan conventions in Atlanta, including Jordancon, the hosts of DSC a few years ago. (Full disclosure, I chair Jordancon and was the hotel liaison for this DSC.) Not to mention several anime conventions. In fact, OutlantaCon, a very well established convention, is occurring on the dates ABC DSC was intended. Atlanta has a very healthy fannish ecosystem in place. If anything, it’s too healthy for an “invader” like DSC to gain ground.

  4. A convention headlined by John C. Wright and his wife L. Jagi Lamplighter is cancelled for lack of funds?

    It seems that perhaps the Puppies are beginning to reap what they have sowed.

  5. I’m very glad that a DSC honoring Wright is no longer going to occur. I had originally been really happy about their venue and dates as I’m usually in the US in May and could finally potentially attend a DSC, which I haven’t been able to do for years, and in my old stomping grounds of Atlanta, but once I saw their GoH, I was probably not going to attend anyway.

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