2018 Westercon Announces Site, Organizational Changes

Westercon 71, the 2018 West Coast Science Fantasy Conference, will be held at the Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center, rather than the originally-announced venue, convention chair Nikki Elbright announced on May 31.

The convention, to be held July 4-8, 2018, will be run in conjunction with Myths and Legends Con 6, as originally announced. This change was part of a reorganization that saw Shiny Garden, the non-profit parent organization of Myths and Legends, assume responsibility for running the 2018 Westercon after the group that originally won the right to host Westercon 71 dissolved.

The Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center, recent venue of MileHiCon, proved to be more amenable to hosting an event that includes traditional Westercon hospitality and social activities, according to Ebright. In her announcement, Ebright also said that the Westercon 71 web site is being redesigned and will soon have revised information about the venue and convention.

These changes have no effect upon the Westercon 70 in Tempe, Arizona, which will be July 1-4, 2017 at the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel.

[Thanks to Kevin Standlee for the story.]

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2 thoughts on “2018 Westercon Announces Site, Organizational Changes

  1. I didn’t realize Westercon had shrunk so much that it and a local convention could fit together in the Mission Palms, which was tight for a ~800-person WFC.

  2. Depends where the Westercon is. Sacramento (not an airline hub or a tourist draw) filled up a Hilton (?) all by itself, using all the function space and then some. So did San Jose a couple years before.

    Maybe Arizona in July doesn’t appeal, for some reason. 😉

    still remembers the NASFIC that involved the Anvil of the Gods
    and the Westercon that involved the Anvil of the Lesser Gods

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