The winner of the 2024 Mike Resnick Memorial Award for the best unpublished science fiction short story by a new author was announced at Dragon Con on September 1.
The award is sponsored by Galaxy’s Edge (published by Arc Manor) and Dragon Con. It was presented during the annual Dragon Awards ceremony.
The winner is:
- “When I was Your Age” by Sam Brown
The first place winner gets a trophy, a cash award of $250 and has their story bought (at the magazine’s prevailing rate) by Galaxy’s Edge for publication in the magazine. The second place winner will be given a prize of $100 and the third place winner a prize of $50. The names of the runners up were not available as of this writing.
The members of the finalist judging panel were Lezli Robyn, Sheree Renée Thomas, Jody Lynn Nye, and William B. Fawcett.
[Thanks to Sean CW Korsgaard for the story.]
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Whenever I see this, (and I see it with surprising frequency) I wonder. . . If it’s unpublished, then who’s read it? Or voted for it? How do you get nominated for it? Where do you submit to be eligible? Who is putting up the cash for the winner? Does it even genuinely exist? If it’s just a joke, (my first guess) why is it STILL going on? Mike Resnick and Lou Tabakow often joked about it, and between them awarded it to Lou. (Hey, it got 2 votes, which made it unanimous!) But there was no prize money or trophy involved, just laughs. And they’re both dead now.