Anticipation, the 2009 Worldcon, has announced it will exercise its right to add a one-time Special Hugo category by awarding a Best Graphic Story Hugo. This will allow the category, added by a vote at Denvention 3, to take effect earlier than if it had to wait on the required ratification at next year’s Business Meeting.
Full press release appears behind the cut.
Anticipation is delighted to announce that a special category Hugo Award will be given at the 67th World Science Fiction Convention to honour works in which illustrations are integral to the movement of the plot, whether or not text is present. This Special Category Hugo, to be called “Best Graphic Story,” will cover any science fiction or fantasy narrative in graphic form appearing for the first time in 2008. It may potentially be ratified as an annual award in the WSFS Business Meeting at the convention in August of 2009.
A Worldcon may choose to designate a Special Hugo to recognize a category of work for which there is no existing award, and in some cases special categories have gone on to become annual awards. Voting and administrative details will be handled the same way for both special and established categories. Recent special categories have included Best Website and Interactive Video Games. The World Science Fiction Convention has presented the Hugo Awards for achievement in science fiction for 55 years. They are named after author and editor Hugo Gernsback.
The Hugo Awards nomination ballots will be released after
The 67th World Science Fiction Convention, known as Anticipation, will take place in Montréal,
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