Christmas Traditions

Toppers on the Hugos from Millennium Philcon, L.A.con II, Aussiecon 2 and L.A.con III.

Toppers on the Hugos from Millennium Philcon, L.A.con II, Aussiecon 2 and L.A.con III.

Every newly married couple has to reconcile the holiday traditions they grew up with. Probably the most difficult conflicts to negotiate are the mutually exclusive choices. 

For example: To top the Christmas tree with an ornament or not? Diana and I took years to find an answer that pleased both of us. 

I grew up in a family that always topped the Christmas tree with a star-shaped ornament. Diana, on the other hand, likes a Christmas tree without anything on the top branch. 

Eventually she thought of an alternative that works for us. Now we put the tree-topping ornaments on my Hugos, not on the tree.

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One thought on “Christmas Traditions

  1. Show off! Besides… you probably swiped the idea from the time, years ago, when I visited you and Diane and dressed up the Hugo on the TV set with a G.I. Joe costume I happened to have. (And I have the negatives still. You never paid the blackmail!)

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