Faux Scroll 8/23/18 The Fan Who Was Thursday

(1) WHAT’S UP DOC? They’re going to put heart pacemaker in me this afternoon. I’ve been able to get online for a little while before prepping. Will be back soon as I can.

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124 thoughts on “Faux Scroll 8/23/18 The Fan Who Was Thursday

  1. Late to the scroll, so I hope I can be the fifth to congratulate you on your cool new hardware!

  2. Good luck Mike and may Tucker Hotel still have a place waiting for you later. I’m awed that you have such excellent access to wifi in the hospital.

  3. Go go gadget pacemaker! I blame that dreadful band (Make No Bones) for unsyncopating your rhythm and hope you’re soon back in a nice mellow groove.

    I am sorry you didn’t get to meet the Big Kahuna or make it to his luau, but he also sends his regards and aloha.

  4. Best wishes, Mike! Hope you’re up and about soon.

    For those not in the Bay Area, the air quality took a big dip today. Looks like Worldcon hit one of the less smoky periods of the summer.

  5. @Red Wombat: HI!!! waves furiously Nice to meet you last weekend. Which seems like about a year ago by now. I hope the flora and fauna have stopped lecturing you about GOING AWAY and consorting with (er, near) dancing robots.

    I guess we should all be glad that Mike didn’t get the Big Spleen Award*. You can’t fix those with nifty tech.

    PEOPLE: I have seen Chris Garcia in a jacket and long trousers. The husband and I were gobsmacked.

    *Which would need to be awarded collectively to the Fan Feud of the Year, except we’d argue about which feud deserved it.

  6. Here’s hoping the surgery goes as planned.

    I know a couple of people with pacemakers, and they generally are very glad of them. Though the guy in our church choir commented he could just notice the ticking, which was a problem when it was to a different rhythm than the music he was attempting to do….

  7. Good luck for a quick recovery, Mike! Thoughts, prayers, and good vibes headed your way.

  8. Mike, GoodThoughts being sent for the best possible outcome.

    @ Kendall: That’s a well-written article from the Mercury. I noticed this bit in particular:
    {To those critical of the way the Hugos have opened doors for women and minorities, she said, “When they win, it’s a meritocracy. When I win, it’s identity politics.”

    Actually, it looks like the future.}

    Yes, yes it does. And the idea of that future is exactly what terrifies Some People.

  9. Well, that’s a hell of a note to end a convention on. Best wishes for an easy recovery. A classmate told me earlier this year that his pacemaker (aftereffects of Lyme) can read out all sorts of data about when and how it took action; just think of what you can geek about now….

    Some interesting links:
    Ridicule for Russia’s newest robot, Igorek — all that money for something that can’t even move.
    Ancient fossil turtle had no shell
    Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals interbred more than previously estimated. (Proving an old adage, this was on several news services.

  10. Feel better, Mike! I kept seeing you from a distance during Worldcon but never made it over to say hello. Take care of yourself, you cyborg, you.

  11. All the best heart and cyborg jokes are gone.

    Hope the insertion adventure goes well and the recovery does too.

  12. Mike, here’s hoping the surgery goes smoothly, and you have a speedy recovery!

    The air in San Jose really IS bad. It reminds me of Los Angeles back in the 70s. Or the last time I visited Mexico City. Or maybe Los Angeles 2019…

  13. Best wishes Mike, and a swift recovery. My Dad had a pacemeaker for many years, and it never gave problems. Mind you, make sure that you redesign the secret laboratory. No more strong magnetic fields for you.

  14. I await with awe and wonder as OGH takes his first steps down the Tony Stark path to become “IronFan”.
    Good Luck Sir, and GodStalk Speed!

  15. Some six months ago, a good friend of mine got dizzy and nearly fainted, was nagged into going to the doctor by his wife (apparently, this was not the first instance), and also found himself with a shiny new pacemaker. He’s not had a dizzy spell since. So, there’s that….

    Also, for what it’s worth, he said the recovery from the surgery wasn’t too bad.

    Hope this solves problems you didn’t even know you had!

  16. May you have a speedy and complete recovery. Welcome to the cyborg world where many of us have bits and pieces of metal and/or technology to keep us well and functional. We are legion.

  17. Good luck with the procedure. I had a defibrillator implanted after my Readercon heart attack six years ago. Was uncomfortable (and movement restricted) for a few weeks, but aside from having to avoid magnets like the plague, I barely notice it anymore. The occasional diagnostics feel weird at first (the pacing diags run your heart rate up and down) but once you know what to expect, it’s not as startling. Anyhow, welcome to club cyborg. You’ll be spared when the robot uprising happens.

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