Paul Roberts Dies

By David Doering: Our community also lost another hard-working fan last weekend. Paul Roberts, a stalwart in the SF community in Utah and able assistant at our Westercon bid table at Renovation, died tragically in a car crash near Elko, Nevada early Sunday morning. He was on his way back to Utah when he struck a car making an illegal turn on I-80 and died instantly.

Paul was a good friend going back more than 25 years. He will be missed.

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3 thoughts on “Paul Roberts Dies

  1. Paul had schlepped my flame fractals to the Worldcon art show just a few days before. We were wondering where he was during the Hugos, and he still hadn’t contacted us Sunday morning. Arg. He had quite a sweet personality, and was in a lot of pain due to back trauma, diabetes, congestive heart problems, and others.


  2. In 1984, Kansas City fans Bill the Galactic Fessellmeyer and his wife Sherry Fesselmeyer, who had moved to Des Moines and founded the SCA group there, along with two other SCAdians in their car, were killed on their way to St. Louis for a Tournament, by a drunk driver traveling the wrong way on the highway who hit them head on. All four of them. The drunk survived, of course.

    Considering the amount of car travel fans/SCAers in the midwest and west do to get to and from conventions and tourneys, it seemed amazing how few of us had vehicular accidents. I don’t know if it’s better communications on the web which makes all of us more aware of accidents in other places, or if the frequency of fatalities is actually increasing, but it does seem that in the last couple of years the number of car fatalities in our communities about which I have read is increasing.

    This is doubleplusungood.

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