Pixel Scroll 2/26/17 That Hideous Scroll

(1) EUROFANDOM. Fandom Rover launched today, a new blog focused on Polish sf conventions.

Hello, I’m Marcin, but my fandom nickname is Alqua. I created this blog to write about conventions and fandom in different countries. I live in Poland, so you will probably find a lot of posts about Polish conventions here, but you can expect some information about European fandom, too, as I try to attend cons in other countries as well.

The first post is “Understanding Polish conventions”

We have a lot of conventions. Depending on what events one will count, they may get numbers reaching even 100 per year. If you will be more picky about what you may call a convention, you will still have around 40 or 60 events every year. This means that there should be at least 1 convention per week (maximum 2 weeks). This is partially true, however, most of the conventions take place around summer months, and winter is much less popular for conrunners. Of course not all of the events are SF conventions – some are devoted to SF/F or to manga & anime, some are big LARPs, some are furry conventions and others are devoted to specific franchises (like Doctor Who or Star Wars).

(2) THE WATER WE SWIM IN. The Washington Post’s Zachary Pincus-Roth, in “Aliens as immigrants: How ‘Arrival’ became the latest political sci-fi film”, interviews Arrival producer Shawn Levy, District 9 screenwriter Terri Tatchell, and Tufts University political scientist Daniel Drezner, author of Theories of International Politics and Zombies, about the role politics plays in science fiction films.

“It’s turned out to be loaded with political commentary,” “Arrival” producer Shawn Levy says of the movie’s reflection of the immigration issue, “something our filmmaking team doesn’t regret, but this was largely unanticipated.”

The film’s political themes were intended to be more timeless. “The movie was always a commentary on a world that is often prone to fracturing,” Levy says. “It invests in the faith that cooperation among nations beyond borders can lead to global benefits.”

(3) GENERAL SEMANTICS AND SF. A panel on “Science Fiction, Language and General Semantics” will be hosted by the New York Society for General Semantics on March 1. Free to the public, but registration is required.

Science fiction has long been associated with spaceships, alien beings, futuristic technologies, and the like. But the genre has also provided an opportunity to speculate about the future of human consciousness, about modes of perception and communication, and about language and symbols.

Not surprisingly, general semantics, as a discipline based on applying a scientific approach to thought and action, has influenced science fiction in a number of ways. Science fiction writers such as A.E. van Vogt, Robert Heinlein, and Frank Herbert were familiar with general semantics and incorporated concepts learned from Alfred Korzybski and S.I. Hayakawa into their novels and short stories. Through them, the influence of general semantics spread to the fiction of Philip K. Dick, and the films of George Lucas. Moreover, novelists William S. Burroughs and L. Ron Hubbard were students of general semantics, while a fictional (and less than flattering) version of the Institute of General Semantics appears in the Jean Luc-Godard film, Alphaville.

More generally, questions concerning language, meaning, and consciousness have been incorporated into science fiction narratives, for example the presence of Jean Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation in The Matrix, references to Julian Jaynes in HBO’s remake of Westworld, and in the problematic nature of translation in stories such as Samuel R. Delaney’s Babel-17, Stanslaw Lem’s His Master’s Voice, and the recent film, Arrival.

Clearly, this is a topic for discussion that is, in many ways, out of this world. so come join us for a panel featuring:

  • Marleen S. Barr, Science Fiction Critic and Novelist
  • Paul Levinson, Past President of the SFFWA and Novelist
  • Lance Strate, NYSGS President and Professor of Communication and Media Studies, Fordham University
  • Ed Tywoniak, Editor of ETC: A Review of General Semantics and Professor of Communication, Saint Mary’s College of California

(4) HOLE IN THEIR POCKETS. Jim C. Hines continues slicing and dicing his data in “2016 Novelist Income Results, Part 5: Miscellaneous Data”.

Who Lost Money in 2016?

One thing I found interesting — of the 371 people who provided gross income and expenses data, 63 ended up with a net loss in 2016. In other words, roughly one out of six published novelists lost money last year.

17 of these identified as full-time writers, with the other 46 being part-time. Looking at the overall number of full- and part-time respondents, the part-time authors were disproportionately more likely to end up in the red.

(5) BEEN THERE. An Apollo 11 Space-Flown U.S. Flag went for $25,623 (including buyer’s premium) in an auction by the Nate D. Sanders firm this week.

(6) USING THE OLD BEAN. Baseball’s Hall of Fame is honoring “Homer at the Bat” and ‘inducting’ Homer Simpson into Cooperstown. Cut4.com has the story.

The Hall will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the episode on May 27 during Hall of Fame Classic Weekend. Festivities will include appearances by Wade Boggs and Ozzie Smith — both of whom guest-starred in the episode — at a discussion featuring members of The Simpsons team who put the episode together.


(7) PAXTON OBIT. Actor Bill Paxton died suddenly today due to complications of surgery. He was 61. Although better known for his non-genre performances in Titanic and Twister, his resume is studded with roles in high-profile sf movie and TV productions such as The Terminator, Aliens, Weird Science, Predator 2, Future Shock, Apollo 13 (as astronaut Fred Haise), Mighty Joe Young, Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over, Thunderbirds, The Colony, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (as John Garrett), and Edge of Tomorrow.

(8) FINGLETON OBIT. Game of Thrones star Neil Fingleton has died at the age of 36. The story in The Guardian says —

Once named as Britain’s tallest man, the 7ft 7in star played Mag the Mighty in the fantasy series and also took on roles in X-Men: First Class and Jupiter Ascending. According to reports, he passed away following heart failure on Saturday.

(9) WAPNER OBIT. Judge Joseph Wapner died February 26 reports the Washington Post. I was going to run this item anyway, but a check of IMDB revealed he actually has a genre credit. Wapner appeared in the pilot episode of Sliders in 1995.

Joseph A. Wapner, a retired California judge whose flinty-folksy style of resolving disputes on the show “The People’s Court” helped spawn an entire genre of courtroom-based reality television with no-nonsense jurists and often clueless litigants, died Feb. 26 at his home in Los Angeles. He was 97….

Within a few years of its debut, the program regularly attracted 20 million viewers. One measure of its success was a Washington Post survey in 1989 that showed that 54 percent of Americans could identify Judge Wapner compared with 9 percent who could name the chief justice of the United States, William H. Rehnquist….

Disputes centered on nonpayment for goods and services, unwise lending of money to shady friends and family members, purchases in which the buyer did not beware and altercations between people and their neighbors’ animals.


Tell A Fairy Tale Day is all about exploring myths and stories, old and new. From grim(m) tales to urban legends, tap the dark corners of your subconscious.


  • February 26, 1963 — NASA announced that Venus is about 800 degrees F.
  • February 26, 2005 — The Razzies held their 25th annual ceremony at Hollywood’s historic Ivar Theatre. Making a surprise appearance was Halle Berry, an Oscar winner for Best Actress in Monster’s Ball (2001), who showed up to accept that year’s Razzie for Worst Actress for the title role in the poorly received action extravaganza Catwoman.


(13) PUB QUIZ. The Sci-Fi London Pub Quiz will happen Tuesday, May 2. The Clarke Award’s Tom Hunter explains —

[W]e’re again joining forces with the team at the SCI-FI-LONDON film festival, and we’re aim to celebrate Sir Arthur’s centenary year and raise some money for two excellent causes in the best way we know how, with an EPIC PUB QUIZ.

Tickets are on sale now and already selling well, but we’ve plenty of tables left and we’re looking for teams to compete.

Tickets cost £5 per head (in a team of 6, that’s £30 a table!) and all proceeds go to two amazing charities.

Science Fiction fans, authors, artists, agents, publishers and enthused newbies, we want you all!


Here are the two great organisations we’re aiming to support with this year’s quiz:

STEMettes, who inspire the next generation of females into Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) fields by showing them the amazing women already in STEM via a series of panel events, hackathons, exhibitions, and mentoring schemes. http://www.stemettes.org

Rebuilding Sri Lanka. The Asian tsunami on the 26th December 2004 killed over 40,000 people in Sri Lanka.Over a million people were left homeless. Thousands were destitute. Rebuilding Sri Lanka has been active since the day of the disaster and continues to provide support, rehabilitation, nutrition, education and shelter to those affected by the disaster. http://www.rebuildingsrilanka.org.uk

(14) LOOKING FOR IDEAS. Black Gate has compiled Rich Horton’s recent blog posts in “Hugo Nomination Thoughts, 2017”, including numerous recommendations in the fan categories which few people discuss.

Best Fan Writer

The first thing I’ll do here is mention myself. I am a fan writer (at least my blog writing and my stuff for Black Gate qualifies, if perhaps not my work for Locus, which I guess is now officially professional). I would note in particular my reviews of old magazines at Black Gate, particularly Amazing and Fantastic in the Cele Goldsmith Lalli era, and my various reviews of Ace Doubles (and other SF) at Strange at Ecbatan (and often linked from Black Gate.) I would be greatly honored if anyone thought my work worthy of a Best Fan Writer nomination.

But of course there are many wonderful fan writers out there. For years I have been nominating Abigail Nussbaum, especially for her blog Asking the Wrong Questions, and I see no reason not to do so again this year. I will note in particular her review of Arrival, which captured beautifully the ways in which the movie falls short of the original story, but still acknowledges the movie’s strengths.

Another fan writer who has attracted my notice with some interesting posts is Camestros Felapton. Some of the most interesting work there regarded (alas) the Puppy Kerfuffles, and I was quite amused by this Map of the Puppy Kerfuffle. But the blog is much more than Puppy commentary – indeed, it’s much more than SF commentary. In the more traditional fanwriting area, I can point to the most recent entry (as I write), a well-done review of Greg Egan’s Diaspora.

Another possibility is Greg Hullender at Rocket Stack Rank. The site is run by Greg along with his partner Eric Wong, and both deserve a lot of credit – I mention Greg in particular because of articles like his analysis of the effect of slate voting on the 2016 Hugos.

One of my favorite fan writers does a lot of his stuff in a place relatively few people see, but he has begun to review Amazing Stories for Galactic Journey. This is John Boston, and his work can be found here. The conceit at Galactic Journey is that magazines from 55 years ago are reviewed, with an attempt to make the reviews reflect only knowledge up to the point of publication of the magazine. (It will be obvious to anyone who reads my stuff at Black Gate that this sort of thing is right up my alley, and in particular that reviews of Amazing from the early ‘60s are of special interest, as I am (in a somewhat less disciplined fashion) trying to look at and write about as many issues of Amazing and Fantastic edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli as I can.)) A couple of years ago John (along with Damien Broderick) published a series of books reviewing every issue of New Worlds and Science Fantasy from the Carnell era, which gives another look at his credentials as a fan writer.

And finally I think there are a number of people at Black Gate worthy of a look. Too many to mention, perhaps, but one who definitely deserves recognition is the editor, John O’Neill, who also does a great deal of writing for the site.

(15) BACK TO MIDAMERICON II. Melanie Marttila continues her series of posts about programs at MidAmeriCon II with “WorldCon 2016: The dark side of fairy tales”.

Panellists: Ellen Datlow, Brooke Johnson, Erin Wilcox (moderator), Sandee Rodriguez, Dana Cameron

Joined in progress …

DC: Fairy tales are the intersection between the known and the unknown in a way that other stories aren’t.

BJ: Tone is the defining quality. It’s a sense of magic realism or normalized magic. I’m currently reading the Turnip Princess. It’s meant to be read. Oral storytelling. Fairy tales are mythic, grand and meaningful, larger-than-life, and yet the things that happen are everyday occurrences to the characters of the story.

SR: Folk tales have the element of reality. Fairy tales have no sense of history.

DC: Domesticity is addressed in fairy tales….

Find the rest of her series here.

(16) MARTIAN SCIENCE. At NPR, Jacqueline Miller and Thomas Max Roberts discuss “Science Is Cool In ‘The Martian.’ Can It Be Compelling In The Classroom, Too?”

Can learning science be as compelling as applying science is in the movie? Yes. Giving our science students frequent and ongoing opportunities to investigative and problem-solve in the classroom is a start. Students thrive when they are allowed to focus on a problem in depth, apply their learning to real-world situations, and experiment, transferring new knowledge to address a challenge or answer a question.

Reviewers have called “The Martian” a “love letter to science.” It should be required viewing for all middle and high school students, and it should serve as a call to action for improving science education.

How exciting would it be to hear your student, when confronted with a challenge in science, exclaim, “We’re going to have to science the s— out of this!”

(17) FELGERCARB! But in a new edition of The Martian nobody is sciencing the “s—“ out of anything. Bad language has been modified to make the book usable in schools: “Andy Weir’s Best Seller ‘The Martian’ Gets a Classroom-Friendly Makeover”.

After getting dozens of inquiries from teachers, Mr. Weir, who describes himself as “a lifelong space nerd,” asked his publisher, Crown, if they could release a cleaned-up edition of the book.

The novel was pretty easy to amend, by simply replacing the foul language with tamer words like “screwed,” “jerk” and “crap” (Mr. Weir said there were “occasional squabbles” when he tried to lobby the censors to keep some of the less offensive swear words in.) A kid-friendly version came out last year, and it is now being used to help teach science in classrooms around the country.

At Synergy Quantum Academy, a public charter high school in South Los Angeles, students are conducting experiments based on the novel. In physics class, students will build miniature solar-powered cars, and during astronomy next month, they will try to grow potatoes as Watney did, using a chamber modeled on NASA’s Lunar Plant Growth Chamber.

(18) FUTURE SCIENCE. David Winnick looks ahead to technological predictions that haven’t happened yet at Quirk Books.

Penfield Wave Transmitter – Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Depression and loneliness can be tough sometimes, even for Rick and Iran Deckard. While most people know Rick from Blade Runner, the famous Ridley Scott film adaption of the Philip K. Dick novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the original Rick Deckard is quite different. Deckard wakes up in the morning and dials in the emotion he wants for the day on his Penfield Wave Transmitter, a device which controls feelings. Unfortunately for Deckard, he and his wife, Iran, have different ideas about how he should be feeling.

As countless speculative fiction works have shown us, controlling emotions almost always gets people into sticky territory (we’re thinking of The Stepford Wives and shuddering). As useful as the Penfield Wave Transmitter could be, maybe it’s best to leave that tech idea on the shelf.

(19) STONE AGE MUSIC. “The Flintstones Variations for Piano Solo” performed by Ilan Rechtman.

(20) SPACE AGE MUSIC. The LA experimental hip-hop group Clipping is suggesting that their sci-fi oriented album Splendor & Misery be submitted for a Hugo:

Even if voters take their subtle hint, Clipping would not be the first group to have a nominated music album. That was Jefferson Starship with Blows Against the Empire (1970). True, not many musical performances have made the Hugo ballot – the most recent was Rachel Bloom’s music video, F*** Me, Ray Bradbury (2010). And I don’t remember any in between.

According to the Wikipedia, Splendor & Misery

…follows the story of a person in outer space referred to as Cargo #2331. The musical instrumentations being a mix of futuristic and classical, tells the story of a slave in the future in outer space.

(21) FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. George R.R. Martin is also beating a drum for some candidates in “Hugo Thoughts: Best Professional Editor, Long Form”.


Jane is the editor and publisher of HarperCollins Voyager, one of the leading publishers of SF and fantasy in the United Kingdom. British editors are eligible for the Hugo, just like their American counterparts, but they are NEVER nominated, no matter how great their accomplishments… and that’s bollocks, as the Brits might say. Jane is one of the towering figures in our field across the pond, yet she’s never been recognized, and it is bloody well time that she was.

It would be useful if Martin went back and added the titles of the 2016 books these editors worked on, as this is not a lifetime achievement award.

[Thanks to Rob Thornton, Martin Morse Wooster, Daniel Dern, Andrew Porter, JJ, John King Tarpinian for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Anna Nimmhaus.]

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62 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 2/26/17 That Hideous Scroll

  1. I like the suggestion of Camestros Felapton for Best Fan Writer. I’ve been enjoying his writings immensely this year. I think There Will Be Walrus by itself is a magnum opus of fan writing…

  2. I was wishing this week that I had sheet music for “Rise and Shine,” the first-season theme to the Flintstones. I have the better known one. (Also a dub from an LP a friend of mine had with additional lyrics, sung by the show’s cast.)

  3. Sacrificial proto-fifth.

    Filers, meet the Filers, we’re a modern sci-fi community
    Through Mike Glyer’s blog….

  4. Cassy B: I like the suggestion of Camestros Felapton for Best Fan Writer.

    I’m going to nominate him. He does a lot of things well, and not only satire, but also just-plain-funny humorous articles that would have shone in any fanzine of the golden past and that almost no one does anymore because fandom has become so hyper-politicized.

  5. I’m nominating Timothy  Camestros for Fan Writer as well, for his phenomenal blend of incredibly intelligent and well-informed analysis with humor which frequently makes me laugh out loud.

    I listed some of what I thought was his best work last year in the 2017 Hugo Wikia.

  6. There have certainly been plenty of deserving albums over the years but I think there’s just too much separation in the fanbases. I’m thinking stuff like Blind Guardian’s “Nightfall in Middle Earth” and Symphony X’s “V: The New Mythology Suite” and Blue Öyster Cult’s Imaginos, just to name three of the first ones that come to mind.

  7. (20) Instead of 5 Dr. Who eps

    Firstly, it’s only ever been 3 of 5 or 6 slots — which I agree is not great, but it’s not as bad as some people have made it out to be.

    Secondly, this hasn’t been an issue the last couple of years. Partly that’s because of the Puppy slates, partly it’s because the number of Hugo nominators has been steadily rising, and partly it’s because Hugo nominators have been creating things like the Hugo Recommendation Wikia and Renay’s Spreadsheet of Doom, which give people sources for ideas of things to nominate, and the number of people nominating for this category has risen dramatically.

    While I doubt that we’ll get 2,200 ballots in that category again this year, the total almost tripled in the 6 years between 2009 and 2015:

    2009 – 336
    2010 – ?
    2011 – 394
    2012 – 524
    2013 – 597
    2014 – 760
    2015 – 938
    2016 – 2,219

    And while I have no doubt that Clipping‘s album may be a worthy entry, I don’t nominate things unless I enjoyed them, and when I looked up one of the album’s videos on YouTube, the only way I could watch it was if I turned off the volume. So hey, good luck to them, but I won’t be nominating them.

  8. (21) It would be useful if Martin went back and added the titles of the 2016 books these editors worked on, as this is not a lifetime achievement award.

    Yep, despite what GRRM says in his comment on that post — which seems to claim that these people edited everything put out by their respective publishing houses, which I know is not true — unless I know what they edited, I can’t in good conscience nominate them — especially if they are just going to get disqualified by the Hugo Admins if they don’t have at least 4 works from 2016.

  9. @JJ: Thanks for the link/info on Audible’s “first in series” sale that you posted a couple of Pixel Scrolls ago. I picked up a few of the audiobooks – the first of Aaronovitch’s Peter Grant series (we got #4 for free a while back somehow, so I figured it’s time to try the series out) and the first of Staveley’s Unhewn Throne trilogy. I also picked up the first of Canavan’s Traitor Spy trilogy (sequel series to the Black Magician trilogy).

    Yay, (audio)books!

  10. #21 – @Mike Glyer & @JJ – GRRM’s reply on his blog to the first comment (asking about works they’d edited) irritated me, but I remember his attitude about the category from before, so I was unsurprised, if eye-rolling.

  11. So I attempted to listen to a song from Splendor & Misery. Seemed to just be garbage with nonsensical lyrics? Meh. Not a fan.

    How about Professor Elemental? He put out an album last year with songs like this on it…

  12. (20) Not that it changes the rarity, but Seanan McGuire’s album Wicked Girls was nominated in the Best Related Work category in 2012.

    I believe music and albums tend to fall between the fences of the Hugo categories. Dramatic presentations have always been geared towards movies and television, and as I read it also wants a narrative arc. Best Related Work is a grabbag.

    Then most professional musicians who have been working in science fiction or fantasy modes have had hardly any connection with fandom, while the fannish music tradition of filk has been treated as a red-headed step-child.

    I also think that fans does not have anything approaching a consensus or shared canon in musical matters, like we have for books or movies. So the Hugo map reflects the reality of fandom.

  13. (7) PAXTON OBIT.

    I saw a claim that he’s the only actor to be killed by an Alien, a Predator, and a Terminator, which is a pretty good set of genre movie credentials.

    (Lance Henrikson nearly makes the trifecta as well, but technically his character makes it to the end of the movie!)


    Good roundup by Horton.

    I did a recs post with some “less considered” candidates for fan writer a while. I didn’t include Camestros because last year he demurred when some people suggested they would be nominating him, and also I figured everyone here read his blog anyway! I don’t think he can avoid it this year though – as Mike says, that element of funny and satire is too rare.

    Many of my fan writer candidates tend to be reviewers. I like Liz Bourke for her trenchant novel reviews, and James Nicoll for his dives into the past (plus a good comment section on his LJ). In short fiction, I’m hoping for some recognition for Charles Payseur who is reading a ridiculous number of zines and then writing an unfeasible number of words about each story. The same comment could go for the level of reviewing at RSR, but as it’s two people working on the site I’m probably going to use a fanzine slot there. Bridget McKinney/SF Bluestocking reviews a bit of everything.

    (17) FELGERCARB!

    A book that features pootatoes isn’t going to get much past your average teen’s sense of humour anyway.

  14. I nominated Public Service Broadcasting’s The Race for Space album last year… I don’t know if anyone else did.

    And I’m another one nominating Camestros (the example I gave on my ballot was his piece about La La Land, so go figure.)

  15. Steve Wright: And I’m another one nominating Camestros (the example I gave on my ballot was his piece about La La Land, so go figure.)

    I’ll play the Pedantic Geek here and point out that piece was published on January 5, 2017, and so can not be considered for Hugo eligibility this year.

    I laughed hard at that piece, too, though, and I’m saving it for Camestros’ Fan Writer examples for next year…

  16. 21) Agreed, Mike. Knowing what an Editor has and hasn’t worked on makes it easier for me to vote intelligently in those two categories.

  17. The thing is, it’s so much easier for Editor Short Form, because anthologies and magazines have the editors’ names front and center.

    I’d like to see all the publishers start doing what Tor is doing, in terms of including the editor’s name(s) on the copyright page.

  18. I nominated Public Service Broadcasting’s The Race for Space album last year… I don’t know if anyone else did.

    I did too.

  19. I nominated Public Service Broadcasting’s The Race for Space album last year… I don’t know if anyone else did.

    I can’t remember if I did, but I should have done.

  20. Wow, it just goes to show how different tastes are. I love Splendor and Misery and was already planning to nom it.

    It might be best not to randomly dip into it. I’d advise either starting with the first track, Long Way Away:


    or with my personal favorite, Air ’em Out:


    And if either of those seems intriguing, try the whole album in order. But, you know, not everybody likes the same things. Life would be pretty dull if we did.

  21. (7) PAXTON OBIT.

    Lets remember that Paxton was also the main man in Barnes & Barnes video Fish heads:

    EDIT: Ninja’d by John Lorentz.

  22. Yeah, Camestros ought to get a nod.

    I’m also nominating, among various things, the following:

    Arkwright by Allen Steel (Best Novel)
    Sisters of Tomorrow by Lisa Yaszek and Patrick B. Sharp (Best related)

    Review of Arkwright forthcoming; Review of Sisters

    If you take a longer gander at the posts on Amazing, I think you may find one or two regular posters also worthy of some consideration.

  23. My favourite Paxton movie was always Near Dark – one of the best vampire movies ever made. A very nice road movie with vampires both sympathetic and evil. And the word vampire isn’t used even once.

  24. (9): Yes, the Wapner cameo was a highlight of the Sliders pilot. The main characters have accidentally (and unknowingly) slid into an America that is ruled by the Soviet Union, and end up arrested and are taken to “The People’s Court” – which is presided over by Judge Wapner of course.

  25. Splendor and Misery isn’t my thing, I’m afraid. My music time usually intersects with either reading time or work time, so I look for fairly unobtrusive sounds that don’t distract me.

    On the other hand I’ve been listening to an artist called Makeup and Vanity Set after it was recommended on (IIRC) Nerds of a Feather – I haven’t taken to all of their output but there are some albums which sound like they could be a soundtrack to a cyberpunk movie. None of the ones I like are from 2016 though.

  26. Taste the Singularity at the Food Truck Circus – Jeremiah Tolbert is one of my nominees that I want everyone to read. Its a really fun, unique story that talks about an aspect of future technologies, food, that rarely gets any positive attention in genre stories.

  27. In the File770 tradition of pointing out typos, while spice must flow, I believe that space flags are flown.

  28. @Ann Leckie: I gave them another shot on the songs you recommended. Still just… nah. Hip-hop ain’t my thing. I like the occasional hip-hop/rap song here and there, but it’s not something I seek out very often. My brother might appreciate it more than I do though; I might pass it along to him.

  29. @bookworm1398

    I remember thinking that was a fun story, but it hasn’t really stuck with me. The whole idea about future gastronomy was really interesting though.
    I really liked his Cavern of The Screaming Eye this year – the plot is a bit of a blatant excuse to throw teenagers into D&D dungeons but it’s all fun and games really.

  30. I tried Splendor and Misery just now and it gave me the weird feeling of wanting to explode out of my skin. It is the kind of music I can’t listen to while sitting still or trying to talk to others. The one that wants to me to move around at a restless pace.

  31. @Hampus: My favourite Paxton movie was always Near Dark – one of the best vampire movies ever made. Agreed 100% – a terrific and under-recognized movie. The scene in the redneck bar is one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever watched. In addition to Bill Paxton, Lance Henriksen and Jeanette Goldstein are just brilliant.

  32. That Flintstones piano solo was very pleasant and good music too. Thanks for posting it!

  33. I live. Occasionally, I sleep at appropriate times for sufficient periods. Not last night, really, but sometimes.

    I would have thought The Martian didn’t need cleaning up for use in schools, but there you go.

  34. (3) General Semantics & SFF

    For those who, like me, see the word “semantics” and immediately assume linguistic theory (and then wonder at the rather peculiar omissions in a discussion of SFF writers who do interesting things with linguistics), I’ll share my discovery that “General Semantics” is actually a psychological therapeutic approach (see Wikipedia on the topic) and not an approach to studying the relationship between grammar and meaning.

  35. @jake: Blind Guardian are making fantasy-themed songs for decades… They would be eligible next year, if the Dwarves-album comes out this year.
    But since its power-metal, I doubt it will get a nod, taste is probably to niche…

  36. Darren Garrison: The sun may not be over the yardarm, but appertaiN yourself your favorite eye-opener!

  37. I caught the end of the Daytona 500 yesterday and they ran a Fox commercial/advert where the various drivers were sitting on a throne made of car parts ala the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones.

    Not sure I’m ready for this brave new world where Game of Thrones and NASCAR intersect.

  38. Originally, I ignored Splendor and Misery because I did not like clipping.’s (sic) first album. So I gave the next album a try and it’s a good hip-hop recording with a weird and twisty soundscape. Splendor and Misery is definitely SF-based and a nomination would make sense, though personally I’m not feeling Hugo-worthy vibes myself.

  39. @ Ann: I took a look at your recommendations, and… it’s the same problem I have with Hamilton — everybody else adores it, and I just can’t get into it. That’s okay, I’m used to being an alien in my own tribe. The interesting thing is that you’d think I would like some of this stuff, because it’s masterful word handling and I generally like that.

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