(0) I don’t know how much regular Scroll stuff I will have time to put together, so I am going to link to the large number of news posts I wrote today.
(1) HUGO AWARDS. The 2024 Hugo Award winners got their rockets today. And immediately after the ceremony the Hugo Administrator released an accounting of all administrative decisions made, as well as the traditional report of voting statistics.
The below report gives an account of the decisions made by the 2024 Hugo Subcommittee about the administration of the 2024 Hugo, Lodestar and Astounding Awards, consistent with the commitment to transparency made by Glasgow 2024: A Worldcon for Our Futures in February 2024. It is a public document….
…The most decisive contest was for Best Game or Interactive Experience, where the winner got 47.0% of nominating votes and 42.7% of final ballot first preferences, winning on the fourth count of a possible six…
- The YouTube recording of the Hugo Awards ceremony livestream is still working at this time: “Glasgow 2024 Hugo Award Ceremony”.
(2) SATURDAY BUSINESS MEETING. With a huge assist from Kevin Standlee, File 770 was able to provide a scorecard of action at the Saturday session of the Worldcon Business Meeting: “Report of Glasgow 2024 First Main Business Meeting on Saturday”.
(3) 2026 WORLDCON SITE SELECTION RESULTS. The unopposed bid for Anaheim, California won. The results were made official at the start of Sunday’s session of the Business Meeting. “LAcon V Wins 2026 Site Selection Vote”. (Detailed voting statistics are here). Congratulations to the 2026 guests of honor!
(4) AURORA AWARDS. The Canadian SF&F Association held their online Aurora Awards ceremony today: “2024 Aurora Awards”.
(5) SPLATTERPUNK AWARDS. At KillerCon in Austin, TX last night, Brian Keene and Wrath James White presented the “2024 Splatterpunk Awards” for works of extreme horror.
(6) WORLD FANTASY AWARD NOMINEES. The 2024 World Fantasy Awards Ballot and Life Achievement Awards were announced today.
(7) THE ALFIES. George R.R. Marin revived the award this year for four of those disqualified from the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon Hugo ballot: “What’s It All About: Alfies”. Xiran Jay Zhao and R.F. Kuang picked theirs up in person. Locus Online says Paul Weimer and Sandman are also winners, though they weren’t at Martin’s banquet.
Zionius greeted the news with a grievance.
My impression is that in the past Alfies have only been given to people who are present at the ceremony. In 2015, the first time, I was asked if I’d be attending. I didn’t make it. And though I was eligible, I didn’t get one later either. Didn’t bother me then or now. We will have to wait and see if Weimer and Gaiman, who were not at the banquet get their Alfies.
(8) ROTSLER AWARD FAN ART HONOREES. Thanks to Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink we have a set of photos of the “Rotsler Award Display at Glasgow 2024”.
(9) JANET MORRIS (1946-2024). Author Janet Morris died August 10 her husband Chris has announced on Facebook.
Janet Morris began writing in 1976 and has since published more than forty novels, many co-authored with her husband Chris Morris or others. Her debut novel, written as Janet E. Morris, was High Couch of Silistra, the first in a quartet of character-driven novels with a female protagonist. The Silistra quartet had over four million copies in print when the fourth volume, The Carnelian Throne was published.
Morris has contributed to the shared universe fantasy series Thieves’ World, and to other series Merovingen Nights, War World, and The Fleet.
She has written or co-written numerous works in the Heroes in Hell series with Chris Morris, C.J. Cherryh, David Drake, and Andrew P. Weston.
Morris has also written historical and other novels, such as I, the Sun (1983), a detailed biographical novel about the Hittite King Suppiluliuma I.
- Baldo shows how easy it is to distract a book lover.
- Brewster Rockit visits a class that lives up to its name.
- Broom Hilda goes the distance.
- Free Range increases the level of a challenge.
- Reality Check learns the hard way who won’t be leading the revolution.
- Loose Parts has unsurprising medical news.
- Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal’s immigrant story is either sad or funny.
(11) GLASGOW 2024 MASQUERADE PHOTOS. Amanda Wakaruk and Olav Rokne have uploaded their Masquerade photos to the Worldcon Flickr page. “Masquerade 2024 | Flickr”.
Olav says: “There were 30 contestants and we managed to get photos of all of them, which was no small task. Due to the set-up of the green room and Masquerade venue, all the posed photographs had to be completed between 6 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., so we had to average one contestant every three minutes, and managed it. (By comparison, it took us more than three hours to get through every masquerade entry at the convention in Washington D.C.)”
(12) MARK PROTECTION COMMITTEE. Olav Rokne was elected to the Worldcon’s Mark Protection Committee at the Sunday Business Meeting.
(13) GLASGOW 2024 ART SHOW AWARDS. The award winners from the Glasgow 2024 Art Show were announced today:
- Best in Show: Jim Burns with “In the Belly of the Ship”
- Best Original: Fred Gambini with “Breel and the Dismantler”
- Best Digital: Maurizio Manzieri with “Mulberry and Owl”
- Best Textile: Sarah Haddock with “Aquatic Intellect”
- Best 3D: Didier Cottier with “Le Sereurier”
- Best Junior: Erin Sibson with “Octopus in Space”
- Best Fantasy: Margaret Walty with “Dragonwood”.
- The Robbie Bourget & John Harold’s Choice: Tom Nanson with “Sword of the Angel”
- Best Fangorn: Fangorn! with “Waiting”.
The Art Show judges were John Davis, Kim Saxon, Robbie Bourget and John Harold.
[Thanks to Ersatz Culture, Kathy Sullivan, Teddy Harvia, Mike Kennedy, Andrew Porter, John King Tarpinian, Chris Barkley, Cat Eldridge, SF Concatenation’s Jonathan Cowie, and Steven French for some of these stories. Title credit belongs to File 770 contributing editor of the day Jon “Everything But A Child of God” Meltzer.]
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Everyone pleased with the Hugo results tonight? I was. Many of my choices won, and the few surprise winners were still very good choices this year.
A most stellar job to the presenters this year!
So who was the person who told Gaiman to fuck off?
Congratulations to all, including Olav. I absolutely understand not wanting, as we say here, having one’s… backside grown into the chair; but could somebody enlighten me how long a term is? Two years, …?
Oh my god, Godzilla! I should have just had it on my ballot alone!
I believe that was Adri Joy, from Nerds of a Feather (I was somewhat distracted by her hat)
I wish I could remember. It was a woman, and it came at the end of her speech. I’m pretty sure her exact quote invited him to fuck off into the sun.
It wasn’t Ursula, because her speech was about sea cucumbers.
ETA: And Bonnie McDaniel has remembered it correctly! And the incredible hat!
So, the #7 work on the BDP-Long long list, with over 100 nominations and which missed out on the ballot by one nomination, was given an extension of eligibility on Friday at the Business Meeting because people apparently didn’t have a chance to see it…
A quick note, since I’m at an airport waiting for a bag. Congrats to all the award winners!
(1) Gotta love ’em (or not, depending on yer mood):
Hugo Awards turned out very well this year.
Congrats to Adri Joy for telling off Gaiman, and Urs–ah, excuse me, the Mysterious Lady in the Magnificent Hat, for doing the same with McCarty.
I do believe that Adri Joy, like all of us, should wait for the verdict before pointing her finger.
It MUST be pointed out that The 2023 Hugo Awards:
A Report on Censorship and Exclusion, which received 13 nominations, was NOT eligible for the 2023 Hugo Awards because it was published on February 14, 2024.
It IS eligible for the 2025 Hugo Awards.
PLEASE make a note of it…
Chris B. (and for Jason Sanford)
@Cat I don’t think a single fiction winner was the best thing I read in the category all year, but most of the ones I read were at least at the “good enough that I would nominate them for a Hugo if I had the slots” level, so hard to complain too much about that. And some great recognition in the professional awards (shoutout to Neil Clarke!)
Was a little disappointed to see so few of my nominations hit the longlist (I had one each in Novel, Novella, Novelette, and Short Story), with a few works that I thought had a real chance to be finalists not even hitting the top 16.
Congrats to all the winners & finalists! And to the organisers who did a wonderful job. Particularly liked Tesh and Vernon’s speeches.
Love having the stats available so quickly. My favorite book of last year, “The Terraformers” missed out on nomination by 3 votes. And my favorite film which I completely forgot was a 2023 release, “The Boy & the Heron”, was eliminated at 14th (sad it won’t get a second chance but probably the right decision). Really interesting how dominant “Some Desperate Glory” was through the whole process.
“I came upon a scroll of God, he was pixeling down the road”
“We are scrolldust, we are pixel”
And this (just saw the video … )
“If I have to live the rest of my life with the image of pixel scroll butt teeth in my head, so do the rest of you!”
@Jan-Erik Zandersson
What Gaiman has actually admitted to is pretty ick. I myself wouldn’t go as far as “f off into the sun”, but let’s just say I’m no longer a fan. And I can easily see someone feeling that strongly about it.
Jan Vanek jr. on August 11, 2024 at 7:29 pm said:
Elected members’ terms are three years. See the Mark Protection Committee section of the WSFS website.
Members appointed by WSFS committees serve at the pleasure of their appointing entity, with their appointments lasting through the end of the WSFS Business Meeting at the second year following the conclusion of their appointing convention. (So, for example, L.A.con V’s appointee serves until the end of the 2028 WSFS Business Meeting.)