The first-ever dramatization of Sir Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman’s classic Good Omens is on BBC Radio 4’s Christmas schedule. The six-part story begins airing December 22 and culminates with an hour-long episode on December 27. Once broadcast the installments will be available online.
Pratchett and Gaiman make a cameo appearance as two policemen tailing the demon Crowley, played by Peter Serafinowics, who get more than they bargained for. Listen to the clip here.
The program is accompanied by illustrations from graphic artists, including these depictions of Neil and Terry by Si Gurr.
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“Once broadcast the installments will be available online.”
Will this be true outside the UK as well?
Evelyn, the BBC is a bit confusing about availability. If you want to listen to the episodes live, don’t forget to account for time zones.
After that, usual practice is for a show to be available to listen to online with your computer for a limited time; sometimes a week, sometimes a month (though Home Front, the BBC’s day-by-day serial about WWI, is supposed to remain available online for the entire four-year run). That’s for direct listening, not downloading for later listening.
Then there’s the BBC iPlayer, which might or might not work outside the UK (reports are confusing). Some BBC shows show up on podcast aggregators (I download BBC’s Drama of the Week via Podkicker), but nowhere near all. And some shows eventually show up on iTunes months later for purchase, though again not all.
I think all that’s about correct, as of the last time I tried to navigate BBC’s website a few months ago for that kind of information. I don’t find the website very user-friendly or easy to search. I love DotW and other BBC shows, but their website could use a good overhaul, imho.
“Available online” includes outside of the UK for almost all BBC Radio content. Some content is available for Download (the Beeb officially stopped using the word “podcast” some time ago, presumably because Other MP3 Players Are Available), and the downloadable content is sometimes restricted to the UK for copyright reasons (e.g. Radio 3’s “Composer of the Week”), but just about everything is available for streaming “Listen Again”, aka the iPlayer; the current default availability is four weeks, and as Bruce indicated some programmes are available for much longer. All of their other Pratchett and Gaiman dramatisations have been available worldwide, so I will be surprised if Good Omens isn’t.
I spend way too much of my time listening to the BBC.
The first episode is now available as a downloadable mp3 file, at
for the next seven days, and all of the episodes will be available for streaming online for 4 weeks.