File 770, with the help of Kate Secor and Gray Anderson, has compiled a box score of agenda items handled at the Third Main Business Meeting on Monday at Glasgow 2024.
(Click the following links for a summary of
- Friday’s 2024 Worldcon Preliminary Business Meeting
- Saturday’s First Main Business Meeting
- Report of Glasgow 2024 Second Main Business Meeting on Sunday
The items cross-reference the Glasgow 2024 Business Meeting Agenda (7/30/24 version). The text of proposals and supporting arguments can be found there.
Committee of Investigation elected – to carry out the work in the following resolution passed at the First Main Business Meeting where two agenda items were considered in Executive Session:
Resolved, That a committee of seven be elected by ballot to investigate the Hugo Award Administrator for Chengdu Worldcon, the Chengdu Worldcon Hugo Subcommittee, and the chairs of Chengdu Worldcon for allegations regarding their conduct and the administration of the 2023 Hugo Awards.
Further resolved, That items D.11 and D.12 on this years Business Meeting agenda be referred to said committee.
Further resolved, That the committee has the power to fill vacancies by appointment.
The members elected to the Committee are:
- Warren Buff (chair)
- Chris Barkley
- Todd Dashoff
- Chris Garcia
- Farah Mendelsohn
- Randall Shepherd
- Nicholas Whyte
The “Location Committee” to which agenda item F.13 “Location, Location, Location” has been referred (a.k.a. the “F.13 Committee”) was appointed.
- Tammy Coxen (chair)
- Don Eastlake
- Ann Marie Rudolph
- Olav Rokne
- Ingvar Mattson
- Kevin Black
- Alan Fleming
- One member from a potentially affected country to be appointed later
“Passed” means the proposed amendment received first passage and will be presented for ratification to the 2025 Business meeting. “Failed” means it was defeated when voted on by the meeting.
F.10.A Make the Change — Proposed Section 1.9 Membership of the Software Advisory Committee. — Sent to a committee to be chaired by Chris Rose who shall select its members
F.11 Hugo Administration and Site Selection Monitoring — PASSED
F.14 Popular Ratification — referred to the Business Meeting Process committee
F.15 Meetings, Meetings, Everywhere — referred to the Business Meeting Process committee with an additional requirement that Kate Secor be added to said committee (with consent given)
F.16 When We Censure You, We Mean It — FAILED
F.17 Editorial Alignment — PASSED
F.18 Cleaning up the Art Categories — PASSED
F.19 No More Retros — PASSED
F.20 Save the Retro Hugos — FAILED
D.4 Hugo Eligibility Extension for Gojira – 1.0 a.k.a. Godzilla Minus One — The extended eligibility voted for Godzilla Minus One at the Preliminary Business Meeting was reconsidered and voted down. Its eligibility is not extended
- Chair Jesi Lipp extended thanks to everyone who helped make the meeting happen, especially those who had to step up when COVID caught up to us.
- Motion to thank the chair for exception service met with a standing ovation
- Meeting adjourned sine die in honor of Deb Geisler.
ADDITIONAL NOTES. The official videos will be available from the convention on replay and eventually somewhere more permanent.
Lisa Hayes’ videos are available now on Kevin Standlee’s YouTube channel. These may not be complete but should be soon.
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I was there and I have my notes. However, I deeply appreciate this summary of outcomes.
Sad to see Retro-Hugos abandoned
The Retro Hugos should be saved by voting down this resolution at the next Business Meeting. It stinks that some members want to take away the choice of future Worldcons to hold one, if they fall in an eligible year and decide it should be a part of their programming.
Chris Barkley and I will definitely file a Save the Retro Hugo proposal again in Seattle, though we may alter the language a little. Co-signers are always welcome.
@Cora Buhlert: I’m with you on that. Circulate language and I’ll happily take a look.
I /really/ want to retain the Retros as an “emergency option” for “A Worldcon falls over and fails to run the awards”.
The Business Meeting streams from Glasgow are labeled No Replay. So Kevin and Lisa’s videos for now.
The Business Meeting replays from Glasgow are available in RingCentral. They just might not be linked from con clar
Thanks, Alan! I wouldn’t have thought to look. I’ll have to see if anything else labeled “No Replay” in the schedule that I wanted to catch up with is actually available.
The retro-hugos largely became “Work by the creator who has retained the most fame into the 21st century” so I suspect that’s why there’s a movement to undo them. If you want a way to retroactively redo a failed Hugo process, that should be something else. It’s very hard to do, because people will understandable gravitate to works that are perceived to have been wronged, whether they were the best or not.
I’m one of the apparently small minority who thinks the Hugos should be about determining which works of a year were the greatest of the field, by measuring the aggregate opinion of WSFS members.
I voted for F.19 No More Retros (sorry, Cora, et al.), BUT I also voted for F.20 Save the Retro Hugos! I’m annoyed F.20 didn’t pass! If F.19 doesn’t pass in Seattle, F.20 is a great improvement to the Retros and may get the remaining years “done” more quickly. I forget what people didn’t like about it (probably something silly or easily fixed by amending the proposal).
I agree with @Brad Templeton, though: If a Worldcon combusts and doesn’t run the Hugos, we should run them another way. Also, if that were to happen, we should run them a lot sooner than 25/50/etc. years, like, as soon as possible, IMHO.
@Brad Templeton
“The retro-hugos largely became “Work by the creator who has retained the most fame into the 21st century” ”
. . . which is about as good a proxy as you’ll get for whatever actually was best at the time.
@Kendall: So, how does ten years later sound?
I’ve seen numbers in the 5-10 year ballpark kicked around – not the next year, when passions would be running high, but not decades and decades later, either. And ten years is what F.20 would have enabled.
@Gray: I’d rather sooner, but I was in favor of F.20 for the Retros!
Tangent: If we wind up keeping the retros, why have any magic multiple for them. There are 7 real retro potentials left; why limit it to certain cons, which may or may not want to run them. They’re all, what, 70+ years later? 80+? At this point, if I had a magic wand, I’d say “any Worldcon may run Retro Hugos for any year that wasn’t already run.”
Hmm, which would cover the “Worldcon implodes, what about the Hugos?” situation nicely. Back to this part, I feel any Worldcon should be allowed to run Hugos for a just-imploded Worldcon. It’s not like the retros, to me. If 20xx barfs, why on earth not run the missing Hugos in 20xx+1 or +2?! People will be well-positioned to vote on them!
It’s not like with Chengdu, where passions are running high but the Hugos DID happen. High “damn it, we missed a Hugos due to (wildly unexpected something-or-other)” passions are GOOD, IMHO. Wait too long and people’s excitement about voting for a recently-failed Hugos will wane.
Sorry to ramble at length. I may be very unusual in seeing these two as very different things. (EDIT: By “these two,” I mean the current retros, and a future failed-Worldcon lack-of-Hugos.)
Regarding the videos at my YouTube channel: It appears that there is significant audio-visual mismatch on the Day 2 meeting, apparently starting around 1h30m. This is probably a mistake I made when I was combining the eight or so individual segments of raw video out of the camera in Adobe Premiere and then compiling into a single larger much not overwhelmingly large file. Unfortunately, my personal laptop computer has died, and while it is still under warranty, I can’t get it fixed until I get home and ship it to Dell for repair. I won’t be home until September 8. (I’m currently in Ammanford, Wales and will be in the UK until I fly home on September 7.) So I won’t be able to fix the bug in the video until sometime in late September.