Sasquan Hugo Ceremony Video Posted

By Bill Higgins: Sasquan now has the 2015 Hugo Ceremony video online —

It is divided into four parts.

Parts 1 and 2 cover the “pre-game show” talk show chatter.

The ceremony proper starts about 1:37 into Part 2.

Part 3 is all ceremony.

In Part 4, the ceremony ends at about 37:50. After that comes the post-ceremony talk show.

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18 thoughts on “Sasquan Hugo Ceremony Video Posted

  1. Pingback: Amazing Stories | Hugo Award Ceremony Now Online - Amazing Stories

  2. The producers of the video were parsimonious with their captions. Most of the time I was sitting in the auditorium in Spokane, watching this video stream, I had little idea who the talking heads were (except for some of the authors I recognized).

    I did spot Jason Snell, in a purple shirt, becaptioned as he entered late in the pre-ceremony show. I know his byline as a journalist for Macintosh magazines and a computer-graphics guru, but he has a popular podcast these days.

    Perhaps some other correspondent will be kind enough to type in the names of the other participants.

  3. Bill Higgins: Quite true, it was left to the imagination who was talking. The pre and post Hugo shows were listed in Sasquan’s printed program schedule and three participants were named. The rest were not.

  4. Thanks for posting the link. I enjoyed Connie Willis speech, she has had some strange things happen to her.

  5. I am, in all modesty, the ninth commenter on this thread, among the most ninth commenting today.

    And I know I totally stole that from some CHORF in a previous thread. But they are out of touch with fandom and the marketplace and only care about pronouns. Whoever they were. Mister Hayden probably.

  6. Some of the winners didn’t get named on screen, or if they did, it was so briefly and at so random a point that I missed it.

  7. @Bill Higgins:

    Sasquan now has the 2015 Hugo Ceremony video online —

    Oh, good. I need to see it via video playback, after having been there in the auditorium, because I strongly suspect this will be just like the legendary Stephen Colbert’s 2006 White House Correspondents’ Dinner speech: The first time through, you were in shock and in suspense. The second time, you start appreciating the variously outraged[1], nervously amused, or don’t-give-a-damn (Scalia) reactions of the rich and powerful in the audience. The third time, you laughed up a storm.

    Anyway, I need to see the Dalek upstaging Gerrold again. And Gerrold losing his composure when Connie Willis gushed about how incredibly well written the Twilight novels are. Not to mention Hare Krishna-ing, dammit.

    [1] ‘The President makes decisions. He’s the decider. The press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down. Make, announce, type. Just put ’em through a spell check and go home. Get to know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel you got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration? You know, fiction!’

  8. Pingback: The Battle’s Done, and We Kinda Won, But… « Unqualified Offerings

  9. Bill Higgins: Off topic, but I wanted to say it was great meeting you at Worldcon. As a Worldcon newbie, it was great getting the scoop from a long-time fan. Oh, and my son loved the New Horizons sticker you gave me to give to him.

  10. FWIW, the ceremony proper starts in Part 2 @ 1:07
    The Campbell is awarded in the same video at 1:59.

  11. RE: Hugo Pre-show Participants

    I have no idea why the 3 main hosts were chosen; my personal opinion is that their discussion offers nothing which is particularly original or insightful.

    I recommend only watching Part 2, from 8 min to 31 min, of the pre-show. The ceremony itself starts at Part 2, 67 min.

    Part 1, first 3 minutes of Part 2:
    Jason Snell – American writer and editor whose professional career has been spent covering Apple Inc.’s Macintosh computers and related technologies
    Warren Frey – 1 of 3 hosts of the #DoctorWho podcast Radio Free Skaro
    Steven Schapansky – 1 of 3 hosts of the #DoctorWho podcast Radio Free Skaro

    Part 2, 3 min to 8 min:
    Megan Frank – Assistant Director, Hugo Awards
    David D’Antonio – Director, Hugo Awards

    Part 2, 8 min to 31 min:
    Ann Leckie, Hugo winner for Ancillary Justice
    George R.R. Martin, multiple Hugo winner for Short Story, Novelette, Novel, and Dramatic Presentation short form
    John Scalzi, Campbell Award winner and Hugo winner for Redshirts
    Gillian Redfearn, Publishing director for Gollancz/Orion
    Warren Frey
    Steven Schapansky

    Part 2, 31 min to 37 min:
    Tananarive Due, Carl Brandon winner and Hugo Ceremony Host
    David Gerrold, Hugo winner and Hugo Ceremony Host

    37 min to 67 min:
    Jason Snell
    Warren Frey
    Steven Schapansky

  12. Pingback: Amazing Stories | AMAZING NEWS of FANDOM: 8/30/15 - Amazing Stories

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