The 2015 Worldcon’s e-mail asking members if they’d prefer to receive publications digitally got a very positive response reports Glenn Glazer, Sasquan’s Vice-Chair (Business).
Bruce Farr (Sasquan Finance and Pre-Reg) suggested e-mailing everyone currently tabbed to receive paper publications to ask if they wanted to opt-in to digital delivery. Farr provided members’ e-mail addresses to Alex von Thorn (Sasquan Webmaster) who sent the messages and collected the data.
Glazer said the results were spectacular:
1,190 total emails sent
380 conversions
31.93% rate of conversion
He notes, “For a mass mailing campaign, 30% is an incredibly high rate of return.”
The conversions will save the con almost a thousand dollars in production costs on each progress report, close to $3,000 overall.
They also got 33 address updates, which might otherwise have been discovered only after having PR’s returned from the wrong address, sparing more Sasquan expense and effort down the line.
[Thanks to Glenn Glazer for permission to quote.]