Joe Haldeman “Band of Brothers” Update

Mike Glicksohn delighted Joe Haldeman by visiting him at the rehab center on October 17, Gay Haldeman wrote on During the day the nurses thought Joe and both his visitors, Mike and Rusty (Hevelin), must be related, their beards creating a kind of family resemblance.  

Joe’s therapy that day included putting on his own pants — he succeeded.  Later, the pulmonary doc started him on the protocol to get off the trach tube. Joe did fine with it capped for four hours, with 8 hours planned for Saturday and 12 for Sunday. If all goes well, the trach tube will be pulled during the week.

Gay added on October 18, “He’s clearly stronger, though he’s frustrated to be so weak.  Looks like he’s lost 30 pounds on the famous ICU (lack of) diet.”

Mike Glicksohn Medical Update

Mike Glicksohn’s letter of comment in the July issue of the NASFA Shuttle reveals that on June 2 he had another cytoscopy, and was still awaiting the results. Then on June 4, doctors removed his gall bladder, a major surgery: “Spent four days in the hospital and apparently it takes six weeks for the nine-inch chest incision to heal up. I am coping.”

Note: Only the paper edition of the July Shuttle is available at this writing.