Opening Hours of Detcon1

Detcon1, the 2014 North American Science Fiction Convention, kicked off today in Detroit.

The first round of programming included “Welcome to the SF Community: Enjoying the NASFiC.” Rich Lynch was there to record to moment for posterity. 

John Hertz, Joel Zakem, Pablo Vasquez, and Nicki Lynch at Detcon1. Photo by Rich Lynch.

John Hertz, Joel Zakem, Pablo Vasquez, and Nicki Lynch at Detcon1. Photo by Rich Lynch.

Classic Mimosa Issue Added to Website

Rich Lynch has unveiled Mimosa 9, the December 1990 issue, in a web-readable format. Despite my frequent use of the superb Mimosa website for fanhistorical research I hadn’t realized that the entire run of the zine has yet to be posted. So I’m happy to see that #9 has been added. All but the first eight issues are now available.

Rich reminds everyone:

As usual there’s plenty of fan history in that issue, including an article by Dave Kyle that provides some background to the fannish phrase “Dave Kyle says you can’t sit here” and a long letter from Alexis Gilliland about 1960s fan publisher Don Miller.  Nicki and I also have a report of our trip “Across Europe on Rail and Plastic” for the 1990 Worldcon, and the issue also contains the great Bob Shaw’s last Serious Scientific Speech “Corn is the Lowest Form of Wheat” and a collection of poems (of many different forms) by Australian fan Dave Luckett.  In addition, the letters column includes correspondence from Harry Warner, Buck Coulson, Terry Jeeves, Mike Glicksohn, rich brown, and Joseph Nicholas, among others, and the covers are by the late Joe Mayhew.