Andrew Porter sent along the link to Publishers Weekly’s story about the Random House reorganization:
Under the new group developed by RH president Gina Centrello, the support functions including marketing, publicity, rights, art and business operations have been centralized, and all trade paperback publishing has been united under Jane von Mehren. Centrello remains publisher of the Little Random imprint. The new structure will also keep the two mass market paperback units separate with Nita Taublib promoted to executive v-p, publisher and editor-in-chief of Bantam Dell, while Libby McGuire will continue to direct Ballantine Books.
The new support groups are being led by Tom Perry, who was named deputy publisher for all of RHPG and Bill Takes who was promoted to director of publishing and business operations. Publicity and marketing will fall under Perry, while rights and operations will fall under Takes.
Update 1/16/2009: Removed references to the fan Tom Perry, per Gary Farber’s correction.