Silicon will not be returning to the Bay Area in 2023 the committee told Facebook readers on May 5. The event had been scheduled for October 14-15 in Santa Clara, CA and promised a guest list heavy with media celebrities.
The convention website, now shuttered except for the cancellation announcement, formerly noted that the event was founded in 2014 as the vision of Rick White and Steve Wozniak “as they sought to bring together the best of technology and pop culture” and in its heyday attracted about 60,000 people each year over its three-day run. Adam Savage joined them in 2019 “to bring a new dimension to the event which embraced the maker ethos and community.”
The SiliCon 2023 website gave this explanation for the decision:
Q:Why was the event canceled?
A: As you are likely aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant disruption to public gatherings and events, and we have seen a slow return to normalcy, we continue to face challenges and uncertainties. The economic impact has been severe, and many individuals and businesses continue to face financial hardships. We hope to resume SiliCon in the future, and we appreciate your understanding and support during these challenging times.
All ticket buyers have been promised a full refund. The convention’s ultimate fate remains unknown:
Q: Will SiliCon return in the future?
A: We are exploring all options and will keep you notified regarding the details of future events.