Crayne’s Novel Is #200 For Pageturner

J. D. Crayne’s work is “dark and funny” says Larry Niven. Her new novel, Uncle Daniel’s Den, is Pageturner Editions‘ 200th e-book, and promises to live up to Niven’s praise.

Frequenters of the Virtual Fan Lounge will know the author as Dian Crayne.

Full text of the press release appears after the jump.

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Bill Mills Starts Virtual Fan Lounge

Bill Mills, encouraged by the success of last weekend’s Corflu Silver Virtual Con Suite, is launching a continuous Virtual Fan Lounge utilizing the same software.

According to Arnie Katz: “As with the Virtual Con Suite, the Virtual Fan Lounge will have live and re-broadcast video feeds when available and will feature slide shows of fannish photos, cartoons or other graphics when there’s no video to show.

“The first live video feed will occur on Saturday, May 3. The Vegrants invite you to join them for their meeting, which is likely to include music by Bill Mills and Teresa Cochran and discussions featuring some of the Vegrants. The approximate starting time is 8:00 p.m. PDT (but it wouldn’t hurt to check in earlier). The Virtual Fan Lounge will have a live feed from the club on the first and third Saturdays of every month.”

To visit The Virtual Fan Lounge go to Select “Virtual Fan Lounge” from the menu. That will take you to a page of information about the chat room which includes a link to the Virtual Fan Lounge. Registration and sign-in is only required to participate,  not to read.

Update 5/2/08: Corrected registration requirement to match what it says at the site.