Tepper, Levin Engaged

LASFS member Matthew Tepper has announced his engagement to Debra Levin:

Debra Levin and I plan to get married this coming October. At present I’m 58 and she’s 45. This will be my first, and her second; she is the widow of Rob Levin, aka “Lilo,” founder of Freenode.

The long-time bachelor says that when he announced this news at last Thursday’s club meeting he asked Karl Lembke to play “The World Turned Upside Down” on his computer. I know that tune was played when the Brits surrendered at Yorktown. But I asked him if the reference is apposite – after all, Matthew wants to surrender to matrimony!

So Matthew pitched this Shakespearean reference instead: “[A]nd in such great letters as they write ‘Here is good horse to hire’ let them signify under my sign ‘Here you may see Benedick, the married man.’”


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