Chicon 7 achieved Fan Guest of Honor Peggy Rae Sapienza’s vision of giving Worldcon members a special Sunday morning edition of the daily newzine. “The Sunday Funnies” is now available at eFanzines.
Edited by Kurt Erichsen, the four-pages of color comics were created by Randy B. Cleary, Phil Foglio, delphyne woods, Richard Chwedyk, Alan F. Beck, Sheryl Birkhead, Kurt Erichsen, Steven Vincent Johnson, Howard Tayler, Anne Trotter, Kurt Erichsen, Taral Wayne and Spring Schoenhuth.
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What I found somewhat odd was the lack of who I imagined were the “major fanartists” among the contributors. Apart from Kurt, myself, and arguably Phil Foglio (who has been pro for most of the last 35 years), and J.D.W. (who I had not seen hide nor hair of in just as long), the other contributors were “outsiders” or artists unknown to me. Okay… I’ll concede my perception is faulty… everybody is beautiful and equal and all that jazz.
My point is that the very fanartists we bemoan not winning their much deserved Hugos mostly passed up this opportunity to promote themselves in the eyes of the voters. Where was Stiles, Schirmesiter, Steffan, Foster, Bell and all the rest?
I know what happened to some. Brad Foster was in the middle of his round of summer shows, and very busy. Schirm lost the letter Kurt sent him … which Kurt had to send because Schirm has no email. But, I’m not trying to point fingers. I’m dong the face-palm thing right now because, we “fanzine” artists were given a terrific opportunity to promote ourselves… and didn’t.
Oh well… Kurt says he may be able to interest the Worldcon people next year in another installment of the Sunday Funnies.
Just saw this online, and thought it turned out beautifully. Major points to Kurt for getting all of that together, since it was kind of dropped into his lap at the last minute for him to do all the heavy work of trying to make it happen in a very short time frame. Wish I could have sent something in as well, but the deadline was just too tight to be able to squeeze in anything. And, indeed, from seeing the great contributions from everyone else, anything I might have rushed out would have looked even worse by comparison to all that great material. Would be great if could continue the idea for future conventions, and hopefully with a couple months lead time.