Habitable Exoplanets Catalog

Kepler 62-e is your Number One rated hit on the list of Currently Habitable Exoplanets, part of the Planetary Habitability Laboratory website maintained by the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo.

The website is literally stuffed with scientific goodies. Here are several more examples.

Visible Paleo-Earth (VPE) — The VPE is the first collection of photorealistic visualizations of our planet from space in the last 750 million years. It uses paleogeography and paleoclimate reconstructions combined with NASA satellite imagery to generate our best interpretation of the evolution of the global visual appearance of Earth throughout time.

Scientific Exoplanets Renderer (SER) — SER is a scientific software tool to generate photorealistic visualizations of exoplanets. It uses physical properties from exoplanets and their parent stars to generate possible scenarios for their visual appearance as seem from space. It can be used to interpret and visualize results from General Circulation Models (GCM), reconstruct light-curves, albedo studies, and stellar transit simulations, including moons.

Nearby Stars Catalog (NSC) The NSC is a database of stellar and planetary properties of the nearby stellar system within 10 parsecs (32.6 light years). The database is being used to support statistical studies about the habitability of the solar neighborhood. 

Microbial Life Database (MLD) The Microbial Life Database (MLD) is a project to visualize the ecological, physiological and morphological diversity of microbial life. It includes data for nearly 600 well-known prokaryote genera mostly described in Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology with correction and additions from many other sources.

[Thanks to James H. Burns for the story.]

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