Carl Slaughter Interview List

Carl Slaughter (1958-2019)

File 770’s Carl Slaughter died August 11, 2019 in a car accident. The Murray, Kentucky fan had just moved back to the U.S. in March after years spent teaching English in China.

Carl made his mark in fandom as an interviewer and his prolific efforts are commemorated with this list

Carl’s began contributing to online sff sites in 2009, writing eviews for Tangent. He soon moved over to Diabolical Plots as a reviewer and later an interviewer, becoming known for his thorough preparation while conducting 50-plus interviews there.

When David Steffen, editor of Diabolical Plots, transferred his attention to The Submissions Grinder, which became an institution virtually overnight, he put Carl together with John DeNardo at SF Signal. Carl had done almost three dozen interviews for them when DeNardo shut down his site in 2016. I was delighted when Carl agreed to start contributing to File 770. He immediately shared his creativity, contacts, and terrific work ethic. In addition to all kinds of other features, some of which are indexed below, he did another 55 interviews in his time with us. The last of them, with Charlie Jane Anders, was completed posthumously.

FILE 770

Interviews (55)

Features (13)


Interviews (35)


Interviews (50)

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