Cats Sleep on SFF: Girl Genius Kickstarter

From Phil Foglio we hear —

Studio Foglio is pleased to announce that our latest Kickstarter for Girl Genius Volume 21 has launched: “An Entertainment In Londinium: A Girl Genius Graphic Novel by Studio Foglio” and is already doing quite well. 

Girl Genius is a webcomic that can be read here for free and it updates every Monday/Wednesday/Friday. It won 3 Hugos™ for Best Graphic story before stepping aside for other creators. This volume is written by Kaja and Phil Foglio, drawn by Reuben Award winner Phil Foglio, and colored by Cheyenne Wright.

We have also included a picture for the “Cats Sleeping on SFF” Department, though in all honesty, it could be sub-filed under “Cats Lolling About Adjacent to SF”.

Photos of your felines (or whatever you’ve got!) resting on genre works are welcome. Send to mikeglyer (at) cs (dot) com

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3 thoughts on “Cats Sleep on SFF: Girl Genius Kickstarter

  1. Let’s get to the important information here: what is the name of that gorgeous black cat?

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