Time.com Spotlights Uncle Hugo’s SF Bookstore

Time.com included Don Blyly’s historic Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore on a list of “50 Authentic American Experiences”, one for each state. Uncle Hugo’s of Minneapolis was named Minnesota’s authentic experience:

In this age of the world-devouring chains, an independent bookstore is as rare a sight as a first edition of Harry Potter. An independent bookstore devoted to science fiction is even rarer still. But since 1974, Uncle Hugo‘s in Minneapolis has been stocking its shelves with a huge variety of new and used sci-fi books and earning a national rep among fans of the genre. Don Blyly opened the store 34 years ago when he was in law school, and he runs it to this day. (Right next-door is Uncle Edgar’s Mystery Bookstore, also owned by Blyly.) Drop by before a Barnes & Noble puts him out of business. 2864 Chicago Ave. S., Minneapolis.

[Via Evelyn Leeper.]

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