Wingding Planned for Tucker’s 90th

Wilson Tucker is turning 90 on November 23, 2004 – and you’re invited to come help the Dawn Patrol throw him a party!

The party will actually happen Saturday, November 27, during the weekend of Chambanacon 34. The party will take place in Tucker’s hometown of Bloomington, Illinois, a few miles away from the convention in Springfield. The Dawn Patrol is a far-flung crew of fans who read and contribute to Roger Tener’s, Chronicles of the Dawn Patrol (distributed weekdays by e-mail).

Tucker needs no introduction to readers of But if we give him none, too many great links will be left on the cutting-room floor, so… Wilson “Bob” Tucker is a long-time pillar of fandom, known for his classic fanzines Le Zombie and eZombie. His fan and pro writing have been acclaimed. He won the Best Fan Writer Hugo in 1970, and collected a 2004 Retro Hugo
as Best Fan Writer of 1953. As an sf writer, he created such stories as the Hugo-nominated novel Year of the Quiet Sun (1976).

Anyone interested in attending should email Roger Tener or Keith Stokes ASAP, since the number coming will have a big impact in how much they are going to arrange. The party will be centerpiece of any number of Tucker celebrations that probably will include small group dinners at local restaurants, and a hospitality suite on Saturday evening.

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