2008 CUFF Delegate Chosen

Peter Jarvis, 2007 CUFF Delegate & Administrator (and TorCon chair) announces:

Lance Sibley has been chosen at the 2008 Canadian Unity Fan Fund (CUFF) delegate. Lance is very active in Fandom in the Toronto area and beyond. He has been involved with Polaris (previouly named Toronto Trek), the 2003 Toronto Worldcon, the 2006 Toronto Gaylaxicon, and the 2009 Montreal Worldcon in various senior roles.”

“The Canadian Unity Fan Fund (CUFF) is a Canadian national fund, which provides for an Eastern Canadian or a Western Canadian science fiction enthusiast to attend Canvention. Canvention is the annual convention of the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association. Traditionally, the location of Canvention alternates between Eastern and Western Canada. The CUFF delegate is chosen from individuals residing in the opposite region of Canada. For 2008, the Canvention is being held in Western Canada (Winnipeg) so this year’s CUFF delegate is from Eastern Canada. Further information about this year’s Canvention held at Keycon (May 16th-19th) may be found at http://www.keycon.org. Information about Canvention in general may be found at: http://www.prixaurorawards.ca.

“CUFF was established in 1981 to help bridge the distance between science fiction enthusiasts from Eastern and Western Canada. Due to organizational and geographical barriers, the eastern and western regions of the country operated in relative isolation from each other. By bringing science fiction fans from opposite sides of Canada together, an opportunity is provided to learn from the experiences of different fan bases and regions. Finances are raised through a series of fund raising efforts, as well as donations from prominent science fiction individuals and organizations.”

[Thanks to Murray Moore for the information.]

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