2008 Down Under Fan Fund Race

DUFF voting continues until January 31. Will fans choose Steve & Sue Francis of Louisville, KY or Murray Moore of Mississauga, Ontario?

James Bacon wrote me, “DUFF has gone all electronic,” so I immediately had to try that: all electronic has been a siren call to fannish ears since the days of reel-to-reel fanzines.

Jean Weber designed the electronic DUFF ballot posted here.  Her site also takes donations to DUFF via PayPal, a great convenience because voters must make at least a minimum $(US)5 donation. Data entered on the ballot is transmitted to an e-mail address at Jean’s domain, and automatically forwarded to Norman Cates, Australasian DUFF Administrator, without Jean seeing it.

Fans who prefer to print and mail their ballots will find a downloadable PDF file of the ballot here.

Steve & Sue Francis, in their Platform, say “We are entering our names as candidates for the DUFF selection to continue our goal of making new friends wherever we go, and a second trip to Australia would provide an excellent opportunity to do so.” Their nominators from North America are Pat Molloy & Naomi Fisher, Pat & Roger Sims, James Briggs & Sandra Childress; from Australasia: Eric Lindsay, Stephen Boucher & Janice Gelb.

Murray Moore wants to win for several good fannish reasons, plus one more: “I want to meet the descendants of my master criminal English relative who stole a loaf of bread.” His North American nominators are Mike Glicksohn, Hope Leibowitz, Lloyd & Yvonne Penney; and his Australasian backers are: Bruce Gillespie, Jean Weber & Eric Lindsay.

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