2014 TAFF Vote Count

Curt Phillips won the 2014 Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund race with a first-round majority. Here is a report from the fund administrators with the ballot count.


100 votes were cast in North America and 39 votes in Europe. These raised a total of $1,187.68 in North America and £266 in Europe.

The results of the first-place voting can be seen in the table below. The vote of one fan from the Rest of the World has been folded into the results from North America to preserve the anonymity of the vote.

                                    N. America   Europe   Total

Brad & Cindy Foster                     31        14        45

Curt Phillips                             54        21        75

Randy Smith                               15        2         17

No Preference                            0          2         2

Total                                       100        39        139

The 20% rule meant that each qualifying candidate required at least 20 votes in North America and 7 votes in Europe (‘no preference’ was not included when calculating these numbers).

The list of voters follows the jump.

Update 04/29/2014: Added three names to voter list at request of administrators. Update 05/02/2014: Added another name at their request.


Europe: Alan Dorey, Alison Scott, Cardinal Cox, Caroline Mullan, Christina Lake, Claire Brialey, Colin Harris, Dave Haddock, David Langford, Douglas Spencer, Fred Smith, Harry Bell, Ian Millsted, James Bacon, James Shields, Jan van’t Ent, Jim Linwood, John Coxon, John Dallman, John Nielsen-Hall, Keith Freeman, Knud Larn, Lizzit, Mark Plummer, Mike Meara, Misha Sumra, Omega, Pat Charnock, Pete Young, Peter Sullivan, Rob Jackson, Ron Gemmell, Roy Kettle, Sandra Bond, Steve Glover, Sue Edwards, Vincent Docherty, Wendy Freeman, and Yvonne Rowse.

North America: Allen Baum, Andrew Porter, Arnie Katz, Art Widner, Arthur Hlavaty, Ben Yalow, Bill Burns, Bobbie Farey, Brenda Dupont, Catherine Crockett, Chris Garcia, Colin Hinz, Curt Phillips, Cuyler “Ned” Brooks, David Gallaher, David O’Neill, David Schroth, Dennis Lien, Dennis Virzi, Diana Thayer, Douglas Faunt, Ed Scarbrough, Elaine Stiles, Elinor Busby, Eric Davin, Frederick Lerner, G. Patrick Molloy, Gary Mattingly, Gay Haldeman, Geri Sullivan, Glenn Glazer, Guy Lillian, Hal O’Brien, Hope Liebowitz, Ian Stockdale, Jack Calvert, Jacq Monahan, James F. Hudson, Jay Kinney, Jeanne Bowman, Jeffrey Haynie, Jerry Kaufman, Jim Caughran, Joel Zakem, John D. Berry, John Moore, John Purcell, John Wesley Hardin, Joseph Siclari, Joyce Katz, June Moffatt, Katrina Templeton, Kevin Standlee, Lenny Bailes, Liz Phillips, Luke McGuff, Mark Olson, Martin Wooster, Mary Burns, Michael Kingsley, Mike Glyer, Mike McInerney, Milt Stevens, Murray Moore, Nic Farey, Pat Virzi, Patricia Williams King, Peggy Rae Sapienza, Priscilla Olson, R. Laurraine Tutihasi, Randal Smith, Randy Byers, Real Musgrave, Rebecca Haynie, Rich Coad, Rich McAllister, Richard Brandt, Richard Dengrove, Richard Krauss, Robert Lichtman, Robert W. Jennings, Ron Salomon, Ronald Oakes, Sara Felix, Scott Zrubek, Shelby Vick, Sheryl Birkhead, Spike, Steve Fahnestalk, Steve Stiles, Steven Silver, Suzanne Tompkins, Teddy Harvia, Tom Becker, Tom Feller, Tom Veal, Tracy Benton, Ulrika O’Brien, and William Plott.

Rest of the World: Clare McDonald.

Andrew Hooper, Carrie Root, and Michael Kennedy’s votes were received post-deadline. And British voter Tommy Ferguson’s, too. All have graciously allowed TAFF to keep the accompanying donations.

The administrators wish to thank all of the candidates, nominators, voters, and supporters for a lively and successful race to The 72nd World Science Fiction Convention, Loncon3.

North America:  Jacq Monahan ([email protected])

Europe:  Jim Mowatt ([email protected])

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4 thoughts on “2014 TAFF Vote Count

  1. There was also a vote from Tommy Ferguson but it arrived just outside the deadline and so wasn’t counted. We were/are however very happy to accept his donation to TAFF.

  2. Has a fanartist ever won TAFF? If so, it would probably have been ATom, but I don’t seem to recall that he did. Perhaps Barker or Bell, in a later age. But if neither of them, then the trick hasn’t been performed at all.

  3. ATom won in 1964.

    Steve Stiles was TAFF winner in 1968, attending the British Eastercon in Chester that year, where I first met him. His somewhat fictionalized account of the trip may be read here: http://taff.org.uk/reports/ss1.html

    Eddie Jones was the 1969 delegate, Stu Shiffman won in 1981, Rob Hansen in 1984, Dan Steffan in 1995, Sue Mason in 2000.

    I’d say fan artists have been fairly well represented.

  4. You’ve asked this question before and had it answered. Tons of fanartists have won TAFF. Your homework assignment is to read the Wikipedia article about TAFF, write a list of their names and tack it up someplace near your computer to help you remember.

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