2017 TAFF Race Begins

Voters can now register their choice for the 2017 Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund delegate from among candidates Sarah Gulde, Alissa McKersie and John Purcell. The winner will travel from North America to Europe to attend next year’s Worldcon in Helsinki, Finland.

The TAFF ballot and online voting is available here. Voting continues until Midnight (Eastern US time) March 4.

Here are the contenders’ platforms:

  • Sarah Gulde

What’s the best part of a con? The membership, of course! At Loncon 3 and Sasquan I made new friends from around the world. It’s a trend I’d like to continue in Helsinki – because that’s what TAFF is all about!

In my spare time I organize geeky fundraisers for my local food bank, where I’m on the Board of Directors. I’ve been involved in several local cons, was the treasurer of Westercon 69, and ran my own con in October 2016: “NERD CAMP”.

I look forward to the opportunity to fundraise for and administrate TAFF – thanks for your vote!

Nominated by: (NA) Nisi Shawl, Randy Byers, and Lea Rush. (Europe) David Langford, Sarita Robinson

  • Alissa McKersie

Here you go, exactly what you needed, another tough election…

I’m usually running Kids’ Program, no matter where the convention is (from Chicon 7 to Loncon 3). Ask kids and parents about it…in other related news, I was one of the editors on stage when Journey Planet won a Hugo. In my real life job I’m a fundraiser for a non-profit, so it carries over! I wrote about my three-month journey in and around Ireland for friends and family, so a trip report will be doing the same thing! I look forward to sharing adventures with and meeting new people.

Nominated by: (NA) Chris Garcia, Meg Frank, Dave and Elizabeth McCarty. (Europe) James Shields, Emma England

  • John Purcell

John Purcell (College Station, Texas), an active fan since 1973, discovered fandom at the tender age of 19 in Minneapolis, Minnesota via Minicon 7. Fannish karma, that. Since then he has published multiple fanzines, apazines, attended and worked on assorted conventions (most recently the LoneStarCon III fanzine lounge coordinator in 2013), finished second to John Hertz in the 2010 DUFF race, currently produces the online fanzine Askance (www.efanzines.com), the paper-only personalzine Askew, and most recently edited/published the one-shot Shitgibbon: the Rant-thology. John and his artist/crafter wife Valerie share passions for Steampunk, Whoviana, gawd-awful skiffy movies, grandchildren, grilling, and dark lager.

Nominated by: (NA) Jacqueline Monahan, Lloyd & Yvonne Penney, David Thayer. (Europe) Jim Mowatt, Ro Nagey.

For comprehensive Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund information, visit Dave Langford’s extraordinary TAFF website here.

Update: Curt Phillips, TAFF co-administrator, writes —

It’s been pointed out to me that the PayPal form we’re using in the TAFF race is less than clear about “how” one casts their vote.  This can be done either by writing those votes under “Comments To Seller”, or votes can simply be emailed to either administrator at the addresses on the ballot.  When a subsequent donation to the fund also arrives, such votes will be counted.

May I also point out that it’s important that voters cast their votes in the hemisphere in which they live.  A voter in the UK *could* send their vote to me in the US, but doing so would wreak havoc with the 20% rule, and thus Plunge All Fandom Into War.  Again.  So, let’s not do that, please.

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