26 Miles Across the Sea

Snapshots #26: Seven developments of interest to fans:

(1) Here’s a comic strip destined for the memory hole – about a 1984-themed Halloween costume.

(2) Bill Bodden’s review of Privateer Press game figures is an intriguing piece of writing whatever a person’s level of interest in gaming might be.

(3) Quite a few science fiction events have added twitter accounts. The most updated list on the net can be found here.

(4) Don D’Ammassa’s website has just passed 6500 book and movie reviews. Don says,”That’s somewhere between 12 and 15 years’ worth. And I’m still not caught up.”

(5) 8Monkey Labs’ next videogame starts players at the edge of annihilation on history’s darkest days.

Players start the game as a member of General Custer’s unit trying in vain to fend off annihilation by Native American Indian warriors in Montana during Old West days in 1876.

Shortly before being finished off by Indians, the player’s character is rescued by “time agents” and recruited to help expose and stop someone that is tampering with history.

Players’ characters dare battlefields and even an erupting Mt. Vesuvius to make sure people who were supposed to survive do and that outcomes of the momentous events aren’t altered enough to change the future.

(6) More photos from the star-studded performance of Ray Bradbury’s Leviathan 99 by Sean Astin, William Shatner, etc.

(7) ScienceDaily reports progress in technology that promotes healing with light:

Star Trek scanners that fix injuries with beams of light may not be science fiction after all. A new optical technology that lines up living cells and controls their movements has opened the door to better artificial tissues and wounds that heal faster with less scarring.

[Thanks for the links included in the post to David Klaus, John King Tarpinian, and Isaac Alexander.]

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