60-Day Countdown To 2023 Chengdu Worldcon

The 2023 Chengdu Worldcon opens in 60 days. The committee recently released several videos about the latest progress of the convention.

2023 Chengdu Worldcon mascot awaits you to name it

The mascot of the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon is an imaginative and futuristic giant panda. This video presents the first projection of the giant panda in three-dimensional space. With a streamlined style and delicate metallic texture, the “Voyager” mecha on the giant panda pays tribute to the spaceship from the classic sci-fi film 2001: A Space Odyssey. The designs of the “Stellar Energy” and “Sunbeam Neurotransmitter” are derived from the venue of the Chengdu Worldcon and the sun bird totem at Jinsha ruins, respectively. The “Sliver Leaf Vascular Technology Knob” on its head, inspired by the ginkgo leaf, is the core controller of the mecha. The “Staff of Creation” held by the giant panda KORMO is inspired by the golden staff artifact and bamboo from the Sanxingdui Museum. The “Stellar Messenger” on the top of the staff is derived from the bronze bird from Sanxingdui.

It is reported that the tentative name of the giant panda is KORMO. At the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon, a series of KORMO derivatives will be launched, including toys, dolls, bags, stationery, etc. Next, the Committee will collect ideas from sci-fi fans through the official social media to decide on the final name for the mascot.

Experience the Three-Body World at the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon

The Three-Body Problem trilogy is a flagship work of Chinese science fiction literature. In 2015, the first installment of The Three-Body Problem (English version) won the Hugo Award for the Best Novel, representing the global recognition for Chinese science fiction literature. In 2018, the Three-Body Universe (Shanghai) Cultural Development Co., LTD was established, officially starting the systematic development and operation of the Three-Body IP.

With the promotion of the Three-Body Universe, the Three-Body is coming into our life in various fresh forms, such as derivative TV series, animations, variety shows, radio dramas, PC games, VR, and immersive exhibitions. The content products developed by the Three-Body Universe cover film, television, music, pan-culture, interactive entertainment, location-based entertainment, etc. The Three-Body Problem has gone from a novel to an inter-generational cultural symbol with global influence.

The 2023 Chengdu Worldcon has specially invited the Three-Body Universe, the exclusive global copyright holder of the content development and commercial derivative of the Three-Body Problem trilogy, as the “2023 Chengdu World Science Fiction Special IP Partner”.

With the support of the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon, the Three-Body Universe plans to hold content-rich theme programs and present a large “Waterdrop” themed art installation at the convention site. The design of the installation blends the concepts of Waterdrop, the Dark Forest Theory, and the Museum of Earth Civilization, combining the amazing imagination and profound philosophy of the Three-Body Problem. An exciting Three-Body World is waiting to be explored by sci-fi fans.

Hear from the sci-fi “heavy hitters” on the talk show “Discover X Interview”

To visit the spiritual homes of sci-fi heavy hitters from China and abroad experience and inherit more than 80 years’ heritage of the World Science Fiction Convention culture, the talk show “Discover X Interview” has been launched on the official website and social media platforms of the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon, and the Bilibili website.

In the first episode, Chengdu Worldcon staff Tina Wong hosts a talkshow with Ben Yalow, co-chair of the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon, Dave McCarty, administrator of the Hugo Awards, and Helen Montgomery, chair of the 2022 Chicon 8, who are invited to talk about the Hugo Awards and World Science Fiction Convention from the experts’ point of view.

Next, the “Discover X Interview” will invite honorary guests of the convention, newly nominated Hugo Award finalists, renowned sci-fi film and TV directors, and sci-fi game producers. In the program, you will see “Sci-Fi Veterans” such as Tan Kai, Dong Renwei, He Xi, and Yin Guang, and new sci-fi stars chatting about science fiction. More guests will participate in the program, stay tuned.

They also posted this clip from local television:

[Based on a press release.]

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12 thoughts on “60-Day Countdown To 2023 Chengdu Worldcon

  1. One thing nice or interesting about China is their hyperfuturistic architecture.

    But I wish I could get an answer as to why I cannot get into the website to get my token for site selection.

  2. Linda I got in this afternoon and managed to get my token and vote, but it was NOT easy.

  3. @Linda Robinett I got on the website and it claimed it emailed me the login token, but I did not receive a login token. Either it didn’t send one, or a spam filter upstream of my computer intercepted it. (I checked the local spam filter.)

    Frustrating. I’ll try again tomorrow.

  4. Nice dose of Chinese propaganda. Now let’s talk about the Uyghurs. Hong Kong. Taiwan. What might happen to people who go to Chengdu and are vocal about these things.

  5. I, too, am unable to get a token. I’m not getting any emails from the main site, but the Hugo emails are getting through, so I was able to download the Hugo packet. Nothing is in my spam filter.

  6. @Perrianne Lurie how were you able to download the packet? I can’t even see the packet on the website, so I assume it’s from the “I want to vote” link, but I can’t get past the qualification check, because I’m not getting the token email from Chengdu. I’ve never gotten a progress report from Chengdu; the last email I received from them was on July 6 announcing the Hugo finalists, and previous to that I got one that thanked me for my nominations, back in April. (At least that time the token made it to me.) That’s it.

  7. I was able to get the login link for the Hugo site, but not for the main site. So I can download the Hugo packets (and presumably vote for the Hugos), but can’t get to a place where I can purchase a token to vote for site selection. I’m not getting any emails from the main site, only from the Hugo site.

  8. @Perrianne Lurie, by “the hugo site” do you mean this link? https://hugo.chengduworldcon.com/hugo-awards/#/index

    Because that’s the one I’m trying to use and it claims it’s emailing me a token, but no token arrives in my inbox.

    It seems to acknowledge that I’m a member; at least, when I use a DIFFERENT email address it chides me that I’m NOT a member. So it recognizes the email address.

  9. Has anyone actually managed to download a usable packet? I have tried several times and every file I receive (for instance, “Best Short Story??????.zip”) is zero bytes.

  10. Ah, never mind. I took someone’s advice to try a different browser and it’s working with Safari now. Firefox have me zero-byte file downloads.

  11. Well, in the west, if you looked at the image at 41 seconds in the last video, showing the museum under construction, you would not believe it would be ready for a convention in 2 months. But China does move at an incredible speed.

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