A 30th Birthday Present for File 770

Happy 30th birthday, File 770!

You never know how long a fanzine will be around. When the first pages rolled out of the mimeograph in January 1978, I decided it was premature to order personalized license plates. But by now, the zine has outlasted 5 cars.

Today File 770 celebrates a milestone birthday by expanding onto the Net. Diana’s Christmas present to me was the registered domain name.  I’m just starting to learn the things I’ll have to know to make a site that looks interesting and works well.

There’s already plenty of fannish news at hand, so time to begin!

Mike Glyer

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3 thoughts on “A 30th Birthday Present for File 770

  1. Wow, Babe! Another great way to stay in touch and enjoy more great fansish conversation. I’m excited to see this unfold. Good work. Diana

  2. Congrats on the anniversary, and on going to the blog format! I’ve added File 770 to my Reader, and can now keep up with your ‘zine more easily.

    Hope this works out well for you.

    Eve Ackerman

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