A Bald Statement of Support

Joel Zakem recently posted this fannish fundraiser information from David Rowe on Timebinders and Trufen with his permission, adding “Some of you may remember Sandy [Jordan] from her time in Cincinnati Fandom.” I offered to post the info here, too, and Dave agreed, with thanks.

Original message from: David Rowe:

We recently got the news that our very good friend Sandy Jordan was in hospital with a tumor on her lung and another on her brain! Her Mom was Jackie Causegrove, nee Frank, who drew an almost unending stream of beautiful fan-art in the 70s and beyond.

This is how her husband Greg put it at the beginning of the month “My wife Sandra has been sick for a while, and was recently found to have a tumor on her lung and another in her brain, with her lymph system also ‘affected.’ … She had an MRI on Friday [Sept 26], and was sent immediately from there to the ER, where she was admitted. She’s been given medications to lessen the swelling around the brain tumor … Her main symptoms right now are headaches, aphasia, and partial loss of vision. She can still talk, walk a little, and somehow even laugh and make jokes. … She’s coping rather well, given the circumstances, and is surrounded by a loving family and friends.

She had an op for the brain tumor on Monday the 6th which was so successful she was back home on Wednesday! Now there’s chemo &/or radiation to go through and the lung tumor to remove.

Her husband Greg and son Josh are planning a fund raiser for the American Cancer Society. They’ve both been long-haired for the past 15 years but as Sandy is now bald they’re going to have their heads shaved too. The hair will go to Pantene Beautiful Lengths which makes wigs for children who are bald because of chemotherapy etc., and their asking friends and acquaintances to donate $10 or more per person (anything from $1 up will be accepted). The goal is to raise $2,000!

If you wish to donate to this scalping contact Josh via: locknbar (at) gmail.com

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