A. C. Crispin Passes Away

Ann C. Crispin  (“A.C. Crispin”) died September 6 of cancer, reports SF Site News. She was 63.

She wrote numerous Star Trek and Star Wars books, and novelizations of other sf and fantasy movies. The International Association of Media Tie-in Writers gave her its Grandmaster Award in 2013.

With Victoria Strauss, Crispin founded Writer Beware, part of SFWA, that warns about scam agents, editors, and publishers. 

Strauss responded to the sad news with this promise —

Ann’s death is a huge blow, personally and professionally. But to all you writers, readers, and subscribers (and scammers): know that Writer Beware will NOT be going dark, slowing down, or otherwise pausing in its work. We’re here for the long haul.

A public obituary page is here.

[Thanks to Steven H Silver for the story.]

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