A Day of Thanks 9/2

I was overwhelmingly touched to receive the new laptop you Filers chipped in to get me. And impressed with the behind-the-scenes coordination between JJ, Diana, and John King Tarpinian to have it delivered and brought to me here in the hospital. It’s an amazing gift. I am so happy to get it.

Yesterday, John showed me how to use the new laptop. To acclimate myself I started on some background tasks — there were about 6000 comments in  the queue, and nearly all — but not all — are spam. I got that down to 4800 and freed a few real comments. More of your trapped-in-amber remarks will be released as I continue.

I am able to do a bit more each day, and I feel that typing words again is speeding my recovery, some combination of verbal thought together with physical action, which multiplies the benefits of the generous community here. I’m grateful to have your help and support.

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124 thoughts on “A Day of Thanks 9/2

  1. @JJ, of course! That’s why I’ve been getting notifications and not finding the comments on the page. They’re probably several pages back!

    (feeds second cake to shoggoth)

  2. Welcome back, @Mike Glyer
    In Mike’s absence, I discovered why I get sent to moderation so frequently: if I edit a post, it goes to moderation; if I just ignore my typos, it gets posted. English Professor Hell

    Teaching SF Hall of Fame Vol. 1 (short stories) this week and last. Next two weeks, Dune, and then The Left Hand of Darkness and Kindred. One of my grad students suggests that the latter can be seen as alternate reality rather than time travel, but my first thought is that Dana’s dizzy spells seem to rise out of potential paradox. Anyone support the grad student hypothesis?

  3. Jim Henley: The staff here is incredible. Great attitudes. Very helpful, professional in explaining everything. All I could ask for.

  4. @Hal Winslow’s Old Buddy if I edit a post, it goes to moderation; if I just ignore my typos, it gets posted.

    Proofreading before clicking comment means you don’t need to edit afterwards*. Don’t forget the useful preview box. 😉

    *Or so my English teachers and editors have insisted. If I just proofread they wouldn’t have to …

  5. Got my schedule from UWaterloo’s Theatre Centre. Shifts start on the 6th, which means I will be dealing with frost. Interesting fact: this year’s frosh were born the year Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was first published.

    Ha ha. Just kidding. The students born the year Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was first published are in third year now.

  6. @Mike Glyer

    It brings a silly smile to my face every time I see a comment from you. I feel giddy like a school girl.

    Glad you’ve got a good team working with you to get you well and back on your feet.

  7. Mike, was there supposed to be a photo included at the bottom of the main post? All I can see is a little box with an “X” in it.

  8. @Mike Glyer:

    The staff here is incredible. Great attitudes. Very helpful, professional in explaining everything. All I could ask for.

    Thumbs Up Emoji!

  9. @Mike Glyer: I’m thrilled to see more than a few words from you – very glad the upgrades are to your liking – and I hope you don’t mind the non-Euclidian spatial changes, um, improvements we’ve made around here. Don’t mind the odd lights and sounds. 😉

    Anyway, good to have you back in any capacity (good sign!), and please don’t overdo it! As one of my favorite movies (“Pretty Woman”) (oh, hush) says, “Take care of you.” I’m really glad you’ll be escaping the hospital soon – pre-welcome-home, dude!

  10. @Kip W: I TOLD you not to let… it… on the computer. That was the one thing! There won’t be any more Perry Rhodan books left anywhere.

    Medieval Pokemon!

    (I still say Mike’s gonna smell the eldritch when he gets back.)

  11. @JJ: Sent. Thank you!

    Mike – glad to hear the staff is supportive and helpful (out here we’re batting about .500, which is good for baseball but not for medicine).

    It makes a huge difference when you don’t have to expend energy on fighting with staff and dealing with upset over lack of proper care.

    Looking forward to the day when my morning routine is no longer impacted by your illness (that’s meant humorously folks!)

    And I think we’re all looking forward to seeing a pic of a healthy and hale Mike flanked by TWO Hugo rockets.

    I’m not conflicted over having reversed myself – it was the right thing to do, and the ending of the whole thing was perfect!

  12. @Steve Davidson I’m not conflicted over having reversed myself – it was the right thing to do, and the ending of the whole thing was perfect!

    Yay, we like the more positive side of you.

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