A Lot To Be Humble About

Diana told me about Website Grader and I had it evaluate this blog.

The File 770 blog received a grade of 69. That didn’t sound bad. It also “ranked 610,807 of the 1,785,826 websites that have been ranked so far.” Now I was feeling pretty proud of myself. But you know what pride goeth before.

Website Grader can run comparisons between your site and any competitors, just fill in the URL. So I thought for a moment about who pays attention to some of the topics I follow.  The Crotchety Old Fan came to mind because I had just read his very funny automated “sf is dying/dead” blog entry (there are so many lately that he wanted to save everyone the bother of thinking up any more so they could get back to writing things he did want to read.)

When Website Grader took a look at Crotchety Old Fan an alarm must have gone off in the front office so all the executives could gather around the screen and see what a real sf site is supposed to look like. My gosh. The Crotchety Old Fan received a grade of 95.3. His site has 495 Google Indexed Pages while File 770 has…none. My site has 235 inbound links. Crotchety’s has 16,973!

I wonder if he gives lessons.

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3 thoughts on “A Lot To Be Humble About

  1. I got these results, along with a lot of chiding about things like why I shouldn’t be on Blogspot, and should cut back on the number of meta keywords I have, etc.

    A. Score Summary
    Section amygdalagf.blogspot.com
    Website Grade 97.1
    Google Page Rank 6
    Google Indexed Pages 12,900
    Traffic Rank 817,936
    Blog Grade Not Graded
    Inbound Links 271,305
    del.icio.us Bookmarks 37

    So you’re doing much better than me in traffic these days, but have a while to catch up to me on inbound links. 🙂

    Also, you guys should work on your Google Indexed Pages. 🙂

  2. LOL. I currently know nothing about Google Indexed Pages, but I bet that can be fixed by Googling…

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