A WesterConChord

ConChord 23, the Southern California filk convention, will partner with Westercon 63, both to be held at the same Pasadena location over the July 4 holiday in 2010. There will be an Ace Double-style Program Book….

[Thanks to Lee Gold for the story.]

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4 thoughts on “A WesterConChord

  1. An Ace Double-style program book is what we produced, with both covers by Tim Kirk, when we combined Westercon with Mythcon in 1972 in Long Beach. Ah, brings back memories.

  2. Now that you mention it, I wonder if references to Ace Double format books are still universally understood by sf fans. They had been discontinued before I got into fandom but I could still buy them in used bookstores. Would the reference mean something to anybody who got into fandom within the past 20 years?

  3. Probably it would to most fans who would consider attending a Westercon. If you put aside the non-readers, you’ve got a group of fans whose exposure to SF books would have at least made them aware of the term “Ace Double Novel”, and quite likely to have encountered them physically (they’re very distinctive) in all the usual places (the library, used-book stores, convention huckster rooms, a friend’s collection, yada yada ad barf nauseam). Not “universally”, no doubt, but I’d bet a few bucks on it…

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