Ann Cecil (1940-2011)

Ann Cecil died January 11 of cancer reports SF Site. Ann co-founded PARSEC, the Pittsburgh sf club, and remained active into 2010, holding office and leading discussions at meetings.

She was revered for her participation in the Alpha SF/F/H Workshop for Young Writers, affiliated with the club’s annual convention, Confluence (which she also helped found). Writer Dave Kirtley, part of the Alpha staff, has posted an insightful tribute to Ann:

She was also extremely diligent about reading student’s work and providing comprehensive notes, and was always saying stuff like, “It wasn’t until I read it the fourth time that I noticed that…” She was well-practiced at evaluating writing, as she owned a massive science fiction library and would write notes in each book analyzing its strengths and weaknesses. A lot of author friends knew this, and when they visited her home they would have to decide whether they dared take a peek at their own books and learn what she thought of them.

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