Anticipation Stuff

Thanks to all the bloggers and photographers who are helping me get a taste of what I missed at the Worldcon.

A life-size photographic reconstruction of Taral’s apartment was created for Anticipation – one of the most ambitious tributes to a fan guest of honor I’ve ever heard about. See Andrew Porter’s photos – he caught Taral himself on the premises in a couple of them.

Lev Grossman’s Anticipation report for the Time magazine blog, besides being funny as hell, mentions my good friend from LASFS, Milt Stevens:

I was on a Steampunk panel with, among others, a really nice and clever fellow named Milt Stevens. Milt Stevens is a past Worldcon chair. He’s a retired crime analyst for the LAPD. I’m a snot-nosed ex-comp-lit-grad student. Even with all possible good will on both sides, it was harder than I expected to find a common critical dialect for talking about SF that was mutually intelligible. Same subculture, different worlds.

Kyle Cassidy offered to do a professional photo of anyone at Anticipation and his extensive gallery of those who accepted includes Dave Hartwell, Connie Willis, Jon Singer, John Scalzi and Suford Lewis.

Gary Farber is a fan of the story Scalzi posted about demonstrating Twitter at Silverberg’s request:

So I took out my cell phone and banged out a Tweet about being kicked out of the party, under Robert Silverberg’s bemused observation. When I was done, he looked at me and said “This has been a magical moment for the both of us.”

Gary included that item in a post on Amygdala with lots more Anticipation links and stories — click and enjoy.

Update: 08/16/2009: Added link to Amygdala.

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