Best Unlisted Con

LepreCon chair Lee Whiteside was pleasantly surprised that the Phoenix New Times named his event “Best Sci-Fi Convention 2010”

But it’s not just the guests that make LepreCon great; there are also sci-fi and fantasy art shows, gaming rooms, a Masquerade Ball, and even live music (the performer in 2010 was author and former Flash Girls folk rocker Emma Bull). With all its spacey, fantastic ambiance, LepreCon is heaven for sci-fi geeks, and a great introduction for newbies.

What’s providing the element of surprise is that LepreCon didn’t even get a mention in the New Times’ event listings the week it occurred.

[Via SMOFS.]

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One thought on “Best Unlisted Con

  1. By contrast, the New Times gave plenty of notice to Leprecon 1 back in March 1975. They also included meetings of the local SF clubs in their events calendar, which is how I got into fandom in the first place.

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